Mysticism, Spiritual, Metaphysical & Paranormal Links
- Anamchara - Carl McColman's virtual sanctuary for contemplative prayer, Celtic spirituality, medieval mysticism, and interfaith dialogue between Christians, Buddhists, Neopagans, and others.
- Anchorhold - the window of my cell open to all who seek life, hope, truth, the spiritual and meaning in their lives.
- Christian Mystic's Outreach - offering contemplative prayer lessons, student experiences, and links.
- Godfriends - the Continental Medieval mystics.
- Martinus Institute - provides biographical, publication, and Institute information.
- MasterPath - overview of "The Divine Teachings of Light and Sound".
- School Of Metaphysics - Join us as we research, study, apply and teach how to live within the Universal Laws of Creation.
- MildEye - mystical and spiritual true stories, as experienced by ordinary people.
- Mystica - encyclopedia on occult, mysticism, magic, and more.
- Mysticism in World Religions - Compares mystical traditions of Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism with quotations from scriptures and mystics. Topics include meditation, mantra and enlightenment.
- Spiritual Growth - instant answers to questions from your own inner self. Selections from major teachers and avatars with links to spiritual sites.
- Spiritual Potpourri - A collection of prayers, songs, etc. intended to be inspirational in nature.
- Spiritual Travel - presents various paths of spiritual growth that allow the individual to explore and learn from voluntary out-of-body psychic and mystical states.
- The Foundation for the Awakening Mind - A nonmembership nonprofit corporation established for the purpose of teaching and learning true forgiveness, laying aside all grievances, and living and extending inner peace. First and foremost, we shall encourage prayer and meditation and the laying aside of judgment as the means of achieving the learning goal. We are a nonprofit corporation organized for religious and educational purposes, recognizing that true forgiveness is Divinely inspired and must be thoroughly taught and learned and accepted to be experienced. We teach and learn that an Atonement Correction Inspires Miracles, and miracles rearrange perception to a Perspective of forgiveness. Everything we share is freely given and may be copied, reprinted, and shared in joy with no cost, for it is associated with no price. Give as God Gives and You shall Know Thy Self and the Source of All Being. There are many tools for Awakening, and 3 very helpful ones are the New Testament, A Course In Miracles(c), & the last section of The Urantia Book(c). They point to remembrance of Self in God. God quickens your Awakening Beloved One!
- The Mysticism Resources Page - Mystics and Mysticism. Resources and links for study of religious experience, mystics, and mysticism. Includes a web-linked Who's Who in the
History of Mysticism.
- - teachings, principles, and techniques of mysticism from around the world and across centuries of time.
- Wayfarer's Rest - open knowledge for open minds.
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