Health Link Page

Featured Site(s)

  • Seasilver
    Has EVERY vitamin, mineral, amino acid and enzyme known to Man in one GREAT TASTING liquid! Balance your body chemistry. Cleanse your vital organs. Purify your blood and lymphatic system. Nourish your body at the cellar level. Oxygenate your body's cells. Protects your tissues and cells against toxins. Safe, effective, affordable and tastes great!
  • Featured Site(s)

    Medical Journals 

    Government Agencies and Offices 

    Advocacy Groups 

    Research Centers 

    General Women's Health

    Cardiovascular Disease: 

    Lung Cancer:

    Breast Cancer:

    Gynecologic Cancers:



    • Menopause, unlike menstruation, is often viewed by the medical profession as a disease rather than as a natural part of aging.
    • More than one third of women living in the U.S. have been through menopause. The average American woman can expect to live one third of her life after menopause. (National Institute on Aging. Menopause, December 1992.)
    • There is no consensus within the medical community about the risks and benefits associated with hormone replacement therapy. More research is needed to help women make this difficult decision in the face of conflicting data. (National Institute on Aging. Menopause, December 1992.)
    • National Institute of Aging
    • North American Menopause Society
    • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 

    Mental Illness:

    Eating Disorders:

    Sexually Transmitted Diseases


    HIV - AIDS

    Misc: Links

    American Heart Assc'n

    American Medical Assc'n
    AMA Physician Select (Online Doctor Finder)
    Arthritis Foundation
    Ask Dr. Weil
    Avon's Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade
    Breast Cancer Information Clearinghouse
    Breast Cancer Resources:Nabco
    Consumer's Guide:Early Breast Cancer
    Continence, Nat'l Assc'n For
    Digital (Health) Librarian
    Doctor's Guide To Menopause/Resources
    Dynamic Living's Menopause Links
    Friend Indeed, A
    GINE-Web:Spanish Women's Health Resource
    Health And Science/Menopause
    Health A to Z Menopause Sites
    Health Net: Women Physicians
    Health Services On The WWW
    Institute For Traditional Medicine
    JAMA: Journal Of The American Medical Assc'n
    Mayo Clinic Web Site
    Mayo Health Quizzes
    Medworld's Medbot Search Engine
    Medical News: Up To The Minute News On Health
    MedSearch:Find Physicans Oline
    MedSearch: Find Alternative Medicine Practioners
    Menopaus Listserv, The
    Menopause Matters
    Menopause Online
    Menopause Stories
    Merck Manual, The
    Menstruation Museum/Women's Health
    Multimedia Medical Reference Library, The
    NAMS: North American Menopause Society
    New England Journal of Medicine
    NY Times Women's Health
    Ob-Gyn:Women's Health
    Obstetrics And Gynecology Glossary, KKInfo
    Oncolink: Breast Cancer Info
    Power Surge Message Boards on Thrive Online
    Physicians Laboratories
    Power Surge Menopause/Health Reading
    Power Surge Menopause/Health Resources
    Power Surge On-Site Discussion Group
    Power Surge in
    Power Surge In Thrive@Health (AOLMembers)
    Power Surge Cancer Support References
    Power Surge Sun/Weds Live Chats (AOL Members)
    Revival Soy Protein
    Rx List, The
    Thrive@Health On AOL (AOL Members)
    Women's Conditions
    Women's Health
    Women's Health Discussion Groups
    Women's Health FAQ's
    Women's Health Hot Line
    Women's Health Initiative
    Women's Health Interactive
    Women's - Health Center
    Women's Wire
    WWW Sites For Women's Health
    Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization

    Herbs/Dietary Supplements

    Seasilver - The Leader In Foundational Health
    STC Energy Water
    Life Force International
    Genetically Engineered Food Links American Botanical Council
    American Herbal Products Association
    American Herbalist's Guild
    Society of Certified Nutritionists
    Council For Responsible Nutrition
    Discover Herbs
    Herb Research Foundation
    Herbal Reference Library
    International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplement Associates
    Office of Dietary Supplements

    Food & Water Safety

    Campaign for Food Safety
    Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods
    Mothers For Natural Law
    Organic Crop Improvement Assoc. (OCIA)
    Organic Farmers Marketing Association
    Organic Trade Association
    National Nutritional Foods Association
    Now Natural Foods
    Center For Science in the Public Interest
    Mothers & Others for a Livable Planet
    Bio Democracy/Organic Consumers Association
    Wholesome Foods
    International Society for Fluoride Research
    Fluoride: Protected Pollutant or Panacea
    Dental Amalgam Issue
    California Citizens For Safe Drinking Water
    Stop Fluoridation USA
    United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization

    Complementary/Alternative Medicine

    Alternative Health News
    Alternative Medicine Connection 
    Alternative Medicine Digest
    American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
    American Association of Alternative Healers
    American Association of Oriental Medicine
    American College for Advancement in Medicine
    American Holistic Health Association
    American Holistic Medical Association
    American Preventive Medical Association
    American Society for Cell Biology - Molecular Biology of the Cell
    British Medical Journal - Complimentary Medicine Series
    Complementary Wellness
    Fibromyalgia Solutions
    Foundation for the Advancement of Innovative Medicine
    Institute for Health Freedom
    National Center for Homeopathy
    National Institutes of Health Office of Alternative Medicine
    Natural Health Village
    The Patients Network
    Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
    Professional Association of Traditional Healers (PATH)

    Cancer Care

    American Cancer Society
    Burzynski Patient Group
    Burzynski Research Institute
    Cancer Guide
    Cancer Research Foundation of America
    Women's Cancer Resource Center

    Related Government Agencies

    United States Senate
    United States House of Representatives
    Department of Agriculture (USDA)
    Department of Health and Human Services

    FED World
    Food & Drug Administration

    FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
    Food and Nutrition Information Center
    Health Finder
    National Health Information Center
    National Institutes of Health

    National Institute of Mental Health
    National Library of Medicine
    World Health Organization

    State Issues

    California Citizens For Health
    Monica Miller's Health Lobby
    Minnesota Natural Health Coalition

    State and Local Government Agencies

    Overall Listing of State, County, and Territory Agencies
    State and Territorial Health Agencies
    National Food Safety Contacts
    Extension Agents and Other Food Resource People
    State, County, and City Government Consumer Protection Offices
    State Health Agencies
    U.S. State and Local Government Sites
    1999 - 2000 Legislative Session Chart


    20/20 Vision
    Project Vote Smart
    The Electronic Activist

    Other Natural Health Resources

    Ask Dr. Weil
    Herb Companion Press
    Health World Online
    Healthy Way
    Natural Products Industry Center
    National Health Council
    New Hope Communications
    Wild Oats Market
    Year 2000 Healthcare Letter

    A-Z Healing - Meditations - Affirmations - Distant Healing - What Is Reiki?
    Effortless Prosperity On-Line Seminar - Sacred Commitment - Prayer Wheel
    Book Store - Nutrition - Tools For Wellness - Site Index

    Navigation Control