To remain healthy, every cell in the body has to have a continuous, supply of oxygen. When that oxygen is in short supply, changes begin to take place in the cell. They do not perform normally and function is impaired. All of the physical and chemical processes of the body require oxygen. Oxygen is necessary to maintain a balanced system and to purify the blood. Most importantly, our body uses oxygen to rid itself of toxins and disease causing organisms. If a diminished supply of oxygen continues, carbon monoxide (CO) is formed in the blood. Carbon monoxide is not easily eliminated and because of its toxicity, cell degeneration begins and that leads to trouble. Carbon monoxide is a de-oxidizer which causes the body's immune system to weaken, thus allowing various pathogens to invade. The result - disease!
Optimal oxygen in the body promotes vigorous health and vitality. Oxygen deficiency causes subnormal or ill health. If the deficiency is allowed to continue over a period of time, degenerative disease inevitably follows. If a totally adequate supply of oxygen is made available to all the cells of our body, disease can diminish. Well oxygenated cells are not as likely to get sick.
Oxygenate with Seasilver for fast, effective results.
Oxygen - the most important nutrient of all! We can literally live for months without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen. After about six minutes the brain starts to die. Since oxygen is most important to life, it is reasonable to conclude that each of us should strive to be well oxygenated. Otherwise, we cannot hope to have optimal health in today's world.
What exactly is oxygenation?
Oxygenation means an abundant supply of oxygen made available to the cells of the body.
Oxygen is critical to our life's blood. Oxygen helps to keep that life blood alive, pure and clean to carry oxygen and other vital nutrients to every cell in the body for maintaining life and energy. The body can naturally take in oxygen three ways: through the lungs (the most oxygen is taken in by the breath to the lungs), through the skin (this largest of organs is readily absorbs a part of the substances coming in contact with it; oxygen is one of those substances) and through the digestive system (the oxygen naturally present in uncooked foods is ideally assimilated by the body; it is essential for optimal health and prevention and recovery of degenerative diseases).
"Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes, but there is only one prime cause. Summary: The primary cause of cancer is the replacement of the normal oxygen
respiration of body cells by an anaerobic cell respiration."
--Otto Warburg, twice Nobel Laureate