“I Thank God for Seasilver!
Everything about this opportunity is a blessing.”

“After spending many years working so hard at making MLM COMPANIES money, I almost threw in the towel. That was until I found Seasilver. I hate to call Seasilver “MLM” because their program is like nothing that exists in the industry.”

Dear Friend,

I have been in the network marketing business for 20 years and I have found only one company that has enabled me to reach financial independence. That company is called Seasilver.

They offer a CONSUMABLE liquid organic nutritional drink that has a (no exaggerating) 80% repurchase rate!! That means that once you plant one seed, it continues to produce income month after month. Because Seasilver is an EXCLUSIVE product, we have no competition.

I have written books, newsletters and tapes, which reveal why this product is considered by many nutritional experts to be the discovery of the century. I have blood work and clinical studies available that PROVES Seasilver's efficacy. I am on Seasilver's medical advisory board and I am also their top distributor.

“Sea Silver is the best product I have ever been privleged to be affiliated with! Because of the quality of the product and the benefits they receive, my customers continue to re-order over and over again!”

Scott Warren

I have over 39,000 active distributors and 10,000 preferred customers. With a 80% repurchase rate, you can imagine just how much income this produces.

Unlike other network marketing companies that offer a mere 5 to 10% first level, Seasilver offers every distributor an ASTOUNDING 33% first level commission. This is the highest commission I have ever seen in the 20 years since I became a network marketer.

Unlike other MLM companies, Seasilver charges NO SHIPPING AND HANDLING, requires NO ANNOYING PIN NUMBERS, sends out tapes, sales aids and pamphlets FREE to all new distributors and offers an UNCONDITIONAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.

I have never seen a company that
offers FREE shipping.

“Seasilver has
all the compensation power of a well-structured multi-level marketing program but uses high tech, high class, professional radio infomercials and the internet to reach literally millions every week who truly want to buy the product and become distributors. We know because THEY CALL US. It is the ultimate one-two punch.

This is the “dream home business” for which millions yearn, and yet most never come close to finding. We LIVE IT every week.”

Don Sidlowski

Unlike other MLM companies that pay their distributors the following month, if you are on auto ship Seasilver pays their distributors WEEKLY! That means, if someone signs up on Monday, you get your commission check sent out to you the next week. This INSTANT MONEY keeps distributors excited and is why my downline remains so strong.

And the greatest thing
about Seasilver
is they are a
ONE product company!!

Statistics prove that distributors have a hard time excelling with MLM companies that sell dozens of different products. So many MLM companies offer a weight loss pill, a natural sleep tablets, herbs to cleanse your colon, to help rid your wrinkles, an antioxidant, etc. etc. etc.

The problem with this is that NO ONE wants to take a hand full of pills every day....and who can afford all of them? America wants a ONE STOP SHOP! They want something simple and complete that offers results. Seasilver is an aloe based liquid nutrient that contains EVERY vitamin, mineral, amino acid and enzyme KNOWN TO MAN! Just one ounce of delicious tasting Seasilver gives the body all the nutrients it needs.

Because Seasilver is an aloe vera based product, it doesn't have to be refrigerated, although I personally think it tastes better if you do (i.e. the difference between drinking warm cranberry juice vs. cold.)

The recommended dosage for your first bottle is two ounces per day. On your second bottle, one ounce per day is recommended. As I put in long days and need the extra boost I get from Seasilver, I personally take two ounces every day.

If anyone takes the product and does not feel a positive difference in two to three weeks, Seasilver will (with no questions asked) return their money. Every patient of mine that has purchased Seasilver is told about this guarantee. I sell (no exaggerating) 3 to 5 cases (of twelve) per day in my office and NOT ONCE has any product been returned.

Keep in mind that these are NOT colloidal nutrients, which have been proven scientifically to be DANGEROUS to the body. Seasilver's nutrients are mono-molecular, plant derived nutrients from ORGANIC sea vegetation from the pristine unpolluted waters of Iceland.

I am a person that hates HYPE. There are so many scam artists out there and I have always lived by four words... ‘prove it to me’. I have double blind, clinical studies proving the products efficacy.

Seasilver has ASTOUNDING pre and post blood tests showing its powerful antibacterial/viral properties. I have before and after blood tests showing Seasilver’s benefit for AIDS, CANCER, DIABETES, ANEMIA, etc. Testimonial letters are nice but BLOOD DOESN’T LIE!

“I am thrilled to be able to offer a product like SEASILVER. I have had testimonies from customers that are hard to believe. But even better is that the Lord has blessed this business more than I ever conceived. In less than 7 months I was able to go from just beginning to a six figure income of over $20,000 a month using various marketing methods.

I have also been able to teach my business associates to duplicate what I am doing and they are thrilled at being able to get so many customers so quickly and to see the reorders start coming in as people continue to want more product. It is just a great business that anyone can duplicate.”

Harry Turner

I have a number of turn key systems and many of my distributors are earning six figure commission checks. And compared to the leading MLM companies in the county, Seasilver has the highest paying comp plan in the industry compare to the top 20 MLM companies in the country.

There are so many TURN KEY methods I can show you to help you achieve financial independence. I will show you IN DETAIL how to reach financial independence, successful advertisements I have created for my downline, how to market health food stores, gyms and doctor’s offices, how to reach hundreds of thousands of people through talk radio, how to market Seasilver through the internet, through mass mailings and through classified advertisements.

The most successful way we are marketing Seasilver is through talk radio infomercials. Since the inception of network marketing, the primary way to build a large organization has been to personally contact friends, family members and coworkers.

The problem is this is a very limited number of people and when the contact list runs out, distributors quickly reach a plateau and their business fails to grow. This leaves distributors feeling frustrated and many just give up. There is finally a ‘bigger picture’ for building an organization where, instead of reaching a few dozen family members and friends, you can reach TENS OF THOUSANDS of prospects all at once.

This can be achieved by airing the new Seasilver radio infomercial. This is a recording of a live call in radio show called, “The Donigan Nutrition Hour”. It’s a syndicated show that reaches close to 3 million listeners. Just that one show was responsible for the sale of THOUSANDS OF CASES!! Talk radio is a POWERFUL untapped marketing tool in MLM.

Seasilver pays full commissions on up to 5 levels (no limit on width). You earn down one level for each first level distributor you have. There is also an Infinity Power Bonus of $5 or $10 per case from your first level to infinity. However, if one of your distributors in your ninth level, for example, qualifies for the infinity bonus, then he, not you, earns the infinity bonus on all levels below him. You continue to earn the infinity bonus on all your other levels.

To be qualified for the $5 infinity bonus, you must have a minimum of 10 first level active distributors (which is SO EASY considering Seasilver’s 80% repurchase rate). If you buy your second case under yourself,(which everyone does) then you only need nine people in your first level to qualify. To qualify for the $10 infinity bonus, you need only 20 first level active distributors.

Additionally, there is also a brand new Royalty Bonus, of $1 to $5 per case from your first level to infinity. This is based on the number of active distributors in your first level and the number of case sales in your first 5 levels.

“My wife and I are simply AMAZED by how our checks keep getting BIGGER and BIGGER month after month! Seasilver is a network marketer’s DREAM come true. The product literally sells itself on the strength and power of the testimonials from our happy customers.

People really LOVE Seasilver. It’s a one-bottle WONDER with an 80% plus reorder rate.

Combined with our PROVEN turn-key infomercial and online marketing systems we are helping distributors create 5 and 6 figure residual incomes in record time from the comfort of their homes.

Seasilver is one of those RARE marketing opportunities, that you have to pinch yourself every once in awhile, because it is SO AWESOME.”

Brett & Michelle Rademacher

Make sure you listen to the online audio of “America’s Unbalanced Diet.” This audio will astound you as I reveal the shocking truth about what's on your dinner table. I get rid of the fallacy that if you just eat a “balanced diet” you won't have to take nutrients.

I also take the listener on a journey through the basic food groups and PROVE the need for Seasilver. That was my first Seasilver tape and so far 380,000 of these cassettes have been purchased across the country.

One of the main reasons I have soared to where I am today is because Seasilver is a PRODUCT driven company and doesn't throw MONEY issues down people's throats that only want to buy product every month.

This is why they retain 80%+ of their distributors! No other network marketing company can say that.The first five distributors I originally signed up are STILL qualifying every month. With Seasilver if you plant ONE seed... it turns into an entire crop.

Seasilver is a financially stable company and has been around since the early 1980’s, when the product was marketed exclusively to physicians. Seven years ago Seasilver was launched as a network marketing company and the product became available to the general public. Their very modern 35,000 sq/foot facility is located in beautiful Carlsbad California.

If you are ever able to, it is definitely worth visiting. Everyone that visits is immediately awestruck by Seasilver’s state of the art facility and quality control standards which are strictly enforced at their warehouse.

I am a firm believer that you have to love the product BEFORE you can start thinking about doing the BUSINESS part.

I could go on and on but I will leave you with an invitation. If you are fed up with fly by night MLM companies that make you work so hard to make THEM money and in return they reward their TOP distributors with a measly 10-20%, then after you read/hear the information on the site try just ONE bottle of Seasilver. I am sure you will be astounded!

Wishing you an abundance of good health and prosperity,
David R. Friedman, B.S., N.D., D.C.

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Join Seasilver™ right now and when you join today you’ll receive a FREE Net-Based Automated Recruiting System, instantly produce sales and an organization right away.

This proven marketing system has months of testing behind it and is the secret to most distributors’ success. Yours FREE when you join today. CLICK HERE