Articles Articles by Mark Stavish Interview with Jean Dubuis Secret Fire: The Relationship Between Kundalini, Kabbalah, and Alchemy Portae Lucis Method of Jean Dubuis Alchemy, It's Not Just for the Middle Ages Anymore Practical Plant Alchemy -- Part One Practical Plant Alchemy -- Part Two Practical Plant Alchemy -- Part Three Articles by Adam McLean Kabbalistic Cosmology and its parallels in the ‘Big-Bang’ of Modern Physics The Alchemical Drama of Goethe’s Faust Animal Symbolism in the Alchemical Tradition Quantum Consciousness A threefold alchemical journey through the Book of Lambspring The Alchemical Vessel as Symbol of the Soul Emblematic Meditation The Birds in alchemy A commentary on the Rosarium philosophorum Bacstrom's Rosicrucian society An Hermetic Origin of the Tarot Cards? A Consideration of the Tarocchi of Mantegna The Inner Geometry of Alchemical Emblems Hermetic Symbolism in a Masonic Engraving Labarinto and the Tarrochi of Mantegna A source for Robert Fludd's sevenfold rose The kabbalistic-alchemical altarpiece in Bad Teinach Some notes on the work of Louis Kervran Some notes on the 'Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine' An account of an experiment to grow a tree of silver The Virga Aurea - Seventy-two magical and other related alphabets Capilliary dynamolysis Articles by Rafal T. Prinke Hunting the Blacke Toade The Wroclaw codex of the Magical Calendar Michael Sendivogius and Christian Rosenkreutz Lampado trado - From the Fama Fraternitatis to the Golden Dawn Hermetic Heraldry Mantegna's prints in Tarot history The Jagged Sword and Polish Rosicrucians The Great Work in the Theatre of the World Early Symbolism of the Rosy Cross Articles by Ron Heisler. The Forgotten English Roots of Rosicrucianism John Dee and the Secret Societies The Impact of Freemasonry on Elizabethan Literature Robert Fludd: A Picture in Need of Expansion Michael Maier and England Two Worlds that Converged: Shakespeare and the Ethos of the Rosicrucians Philip Ziegler: The Rosicrucian King of Jerusalem Articles by Susanna Åkerman. Christina of Sweden (1626-1689), the Porta Magica and the Italian poets of the Golden and Rosy Cross A medieval forerunner to the crest of J. V. Andreae Articles by Joseph Caezza. Alchemy and the Tamil Siddhars A Speculation on the Unspoken Essential Hermeticism and the Golden Fleece Who Were the Alchemists? An Interview with a Bohemian Hermeticist An Interview with Vladislav Zadrobilek An Interview with Hans Nintzel An Interview with Stanislas Klossowski de Rola An Interview with Mike Dickman - Parisian hermetic translator Articles by Mark House. Newton And Flamel On Star Regulus Of Antimony And Iron Proportions for Martial Regulus mixes Extracting The Seed Of Gold An Artificial Synthesis Of Gold? You Be The Judge Most Excellent Excerpts Identifying some first steps of Alchemical Initiation Articles by Layne Little. Shaking the Tree: Kundalini Yoga, Spiritual Alchemy, & the Mysteries of the Breath in Bhogar's 7000 An Introduction to the Tamil Siddhas: Their Tantric Roots, Alchemy, Poetry, and the True Nature of their Heresy Reflections on the Poetry of Ramalingar Avaiyar's Vinayagar Agaval Articles by other authors. Isabella and Richard Ingalese - Tim Scot Notes On Tantric Alchemy and the Purification of Mercury - Steven A. Feite Roger Bacon's Place in the History of Alchemy - Edmund Brehm Doctor Robert Fludd - Sharon M.W. Burt Humburg - On the Color Changes in the "Great Work" Golden Moments- Nick Kollerstrom Biography of Dr. J.B. van Helmont - Léonard de Vinci [In French]. Commentary on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes - Rawn Clark Rosicrucian Thoughts on the Ever-Burning Lamps of the Ancients. By W. Wynn Westcott Games with alchemical content - Charles Cameron Science and magic in Ge Hong's Baopu-zi nei pian - Evgueni A. Tortchinov External and Internal in Ge Hong’s Alchemy - Evgueni A. Tortchinov Alchemy in Finland - Heikki Lehtosaari Alchemy as Donum Dei - Vladimir Karpenko Technology and the spirit of alchemy - Giuseppe Del Re Salt Volatilization Experiment - Steve Kalec Beautiful Circuiting: The Alchemical Imagination in English Romanticism - Maureen B. Roberts "Ethereal Chemicals": Alchemy and the Romantic Imagination - Maureen B. Roberts Magi Imaginationis: Imagining Alchemists and Magicians in New Atlantis, The Tempest, And The Alchemist - David Hurley The Rotation of the Elements - John Opsopaus Christ as the philosopher's stone in George Herbert's 'The Elixir' -Clarence H. Miller Cooking For The Collective Unconscious: Alchemy, Ego, and the One World - Craig Chalquist Georgius Agricola's De Re Metallica (1556): A Milestone in the History of Mining - Paolo Macini and Ezio Mesini Lecture series on alchemy by Terence McKenna Transmutation : the roots of the dream - Vladimir Karpenko