Once I read the evidence, and then FELT the
difference after taking Seasilver...
I have never taken another
vitamin or mineral pill.
Special Interview with
Dr. Friedman: CLICK HERE
My name is Dr. David Friedman. I am a medical advisory board member of Seasilver. I have a doctorate degree in chiropractic, neurology and naturopathy. I am post-doctorate certified from Harvard School of Medicine and the Southeastern Back Institute.
I am the author of the textbook, Understanding The Nervous System, which I wrote while teaching neuroanatomy in the 1980s.
I lecture regularly on nutrition and my tape, "Americas Unbalanced Diet," has sold over 350,000 copies nationwide and I am currently authoring a book with the same title for Thorton Publishers. The book will be published later this year and will be distributed through book stores.
I have written nutritional articles for over two dozen national journals and magazines including: Nutrition Today, The American Naturopathic Journal, Chiropractic Economics and Todays Chiropractic.
I give you my credentials not to boast, but to show you that I am an educated person and would never endorse a product or company that was not legitimate. This will be a rather lengthy letter but I promise when you are finished reading, you will understand the "science" behind Seasilver.
This letter contains over 50 references for your review.
During my naturopathic studies, we were taught that a giant handful of vitamin/mineral pills was the answer and for many years I sold over 150 various brands of nutrients in my office.
I personally took 25+ pills per day. After seeing only mediocre results from the nutrients I was selling and taking, accompanied by a very low repurchase rate of these tablets/capsules, I began to research sea vegetables.
To my amazement, I found startling evidence that proved sea vegetables offer an assimilation rate like nothing on the market! One of the reasons for this phenomenal assimilation rate is because the human body is 70% water. This is not ordinary water but SALT water.
In fact, our bodies contain the same salts that exist in the ocean in almost the exact proportions. Both the ocean water and the water within us contains approximately 80% sodium, 4% calcium, 4% potassium and 12% sulfur.(1, 2)
Unlike minerals from the ground, like those sold in health food stores, nutrients from the sea are recognized by our cell receptors and are allowed access into our cells. Unlike other nutritional supplements on the market, sea vegetation offers ionic minerals, which experts consider to be assimilated better than any other form. Because sea vegetables are from the ocean, they form a great matrix when suspended in a liquid product and they don't settle to the bottom.
The superior absorption of liquids to pills has been documented and proven in many clinical studies. In the very respected Physicians Desk Reference (page 1542) it states that vitamins and minerals in a pill form are only "10 % absorbed."
This MEDICAL EVIDENCE proves that for every hundred dollars people are spending on vitamin pills, they are flushing $90 down the toilet. Seasilver offers a 98% absorption rate....meaning you get what you pay for!
After my research, I became convinced that the answer to good nutrition existed in the ocean. I began my search for the perfect product that I could take myself and offer to my patients. My search ended when I discovered the product Seasilver.
Unlike other SINGULAR sea vegetative products on the market like dulse, nori and kelp, Seasilver contains TEN sea vegetables. Assays conducted on these combined vegetables has shown them to contain EVERY vitamin, mineral, trace mineral, amino acid and enzyme known to man.
Seasilver is 50 times more potent in nutritional value than sea kelp. The sea vegetables in Seasilver are grown and harvested from the purest and coldest ocean waters off the coast of Iceland and Canada. These two areas are considered the most unpolluted waters on the earth containing absolutely no toxic chemical residues.
All of the nutrients in Seasilver are extracted by way of a cold water, non-chemical processing method in a laboratory environment. This allows all the sea vegetation ingredients to remain in their purest form and balance.
Today there are literally thousands of vitamin, mineral, amino acid and enzyme supplements in almost countless combinations. It is important to reflect on the fact that even the most brilliant biochemist, with his years of education, cannot even begin to duplicate, synthesize, blend, or even closely resemble these intricate, precise and ideal levels and balances of nutrients as found in their naturally occurring form.
Sea vegetation may be especially important for people in the modern age because of its ability to protect people from damage caused by toxic elements in the environment, including heavy metals and some types of radiation byproducts.
Rosalie Bertell, M.D., president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health in Toronto, headed up a research panel that revealed sea vegetation can help pull dangerous heavy metals out of the body. Research at McGill University in Montreal has shown that sea vegetation is very high in sodium alginate, which binds with radioactive strontium 90 in the body, allowing it to be excreted. Strontium 90 is considered the most dangerous component of atomic fallout. (6)
Ernest J. Sternglass, Ph.D., professor emeritus in Radiation Physics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, explains how strontium adversely affects health: "When radioactivity, spread from nuclear waste dumps or fallout from other nuclear facilities, gets into the drinking water, gets into the milk and gets into the vegetables, it lodges in our bone. It goes through the food chain and wreaks havoc on all those exposed. As a result, materials like strontium produce an internal radiation throughout our body, [irradiating] the whole bone marrow where the cells of the immune system originate."
These internal doses of radiation can weaken the immune defenses of the body needed for fighting disease. In fact, many renowned nutritionists recommend adding sea vegetables to the diet for a period of time if you plan on having x-rays taken or if you are in the medical or dental field taking x-rays. Sea vegetables encourage the excretion of any radiation products left by the procedure. (6)
Scientists at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Bethesda, MD., have shown that sea vegetation contains a remarkable spectrum of components valuable for human health. David Newman, Ph.D., a chemist with NCI's Natural Products Branch has a research team currently testing 15,000 compounds from about 6,000 marine species of seaweed for their biological activity.
Many appear to have powerful anti-inflammatory, anti viral, anti microbial, anti fungal, anticancer and immuno-suppressive properties. Newman is particularly intrigued by the powerful anticancer properties of algae which appears to be more potent than taxol, a substance isolated from the bark of yew trees that is used to treat breast and prostate cancer.(3)
Michael Tierra, an herbalist, licensed acupuncturist and author of The Way of Herbs, reveals evidence of sea vegetations ability to help poor circulation, anemia and chronic diseases of the thyroid and pancreas. "Seaweed's antioxidant properties make it specific for prevention and treatment of cancer, supporting the immune system in eliminating the proliferation of cancer cells," says Tierra. Eram Korngold, a medical doctor in California and licensed acupuncturist, adds that "because seaweed helps decongest swollen or inflamed lymph nodes, it can be consumed as a treatment for auto immune illnesses, including chronic fatigue, HIV, arthritis and chronic allergies."(4)
In the 1970s, U. S. scientific studies showed that sea vegetation possessed anti viral properties. One species, Cryptosiphonia woodii, a micro algae found in inner-tidal areas along the Pacific coast, was found by Scripps Institute researchers based in La Jolla, California, to suppress the herpes virus and clear out Candida albicans, a systematic yeast like fungal infection..(5)
Seasilver also contains Pau D Arco. The following is an in-depth look into some of the research on Pau D Arco and what makes Seasilvers Pau D Arco so special. Pau D Arco is an herb that has been used for hundreds of years and is labeled by the most renown nutritionists as the best natural blood purifier and lymphatic cleanser.(1)
Pau D' Arco, also known as Taheebo, Ipe Roxo and Tabebuia is extracted from the inner bark of the La Pacho tree found only in the uncontaminated, ozone-pure air high in the Andes of South America. Ozone air is fresh, pure, and free from pollution, smog, exhaust, smoke and pesticides.
Analysis of the bark indicates that a derivative known as lapachol has antibiotic, anti fungal, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.
Research also shows it to be effective against candida and other annoying fungal infections. Clinical studies show it has no contraindications, no incompatibilities and has proven to be non-toxic.
Pau D'Arco has a long and well documented history of use by people native to the rain forest who use several species of Tabebuia which include T. heptaphylla, T. impetiginosa, T. rosea, and T. serratifolia.
There are even indications that its use may actually antedate the Incas.(1) In fact, throughout South America, tribes living thousands of miles apart have employed it for the same medicinal purposes for centuries.(2)
The Guarani and Tupi Indians call the tree tajy, which means "to have strength and vigor" and use the bark to treat many different conditions.(1) The many uses of Pau D'Arco include malaria, anemia, colitis, respiratory problems, colds, cough, flu, fungal infections, fever, arthritis and rheumatism, snakebite, poor circulation, boils, syphilis, and cancer.(1 - 6)
Pau D'Arco has also long been used in herbal medicine around the world. In South America it is considered astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti fungal and laxative being used for ulcers, syphilis, gastrointestinal problems, candidiasis, cancer, diabetes, constipation, and allergies.(7 - 10)
In America, studies show Pau DArco acts as an analgesic, antioxidant, anti parasitic, anti microbial, anti fungal, anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and laxative as well as having anti-cancerous properties.(1, 11) It has been proven to be effective externally and internally for the treatment of fevers, infections, colds, flu, syphilis, cancer, respiratory problems, gastrointestinal problems of all kinds, arthritis and circulatory disturbances.(1, 11-14)
Other conditions reported treated include lupus, ulcers, leukemia, allergies, Hodgkin's Disease, osteomyelitis, Parkinson's disease and psoriasis.(1, 13) It is also a very popular remedy for candida and yeast infections because of its anti-fungal effects. Even in England, clinical studies have also proven Pau D Arcos powerful medicinal properties.(15)
The chemical constituents and active ingredients of Pau D'Arco have been well documented. Its use and reported cures with various types of cancers in the early 1960's fueled much of the early research. Its anti-cancerous properties were first attributed to a phytochemical found in the bark called lapachol.
In a 1968 study, lapachol demonstrated highly significant activity against cancerous tumors in rats.(16) Then in 1974, the NCI, after finding out that they couldnt patent the plant and profit from it, reported that Phase I clinical trials failed to produce a therapeutic effect with lapachol "without side effects" and discontinued further cancer research.(17)
Another research group developed a lapachol analog in 1975, which was effective in increasing the life span by over 80% in mice inoculated with leukemic cells. These findings were published in the prestigious Journal of Medical Chemisty.(18)
In a 1980 study of patients with various cancers (liver, kidney, breast, prostate and cervix) pure lapachol demonstrated an ability to shrink tumors and reduce feeling of pain caused by tumors and achieved complete remissions in one third of the patients.(19)
The Phytochemical Database, housed at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has documented lapachol as being antiabscess, anticarcinomic, antiedemic, anti-inflammatory, anti malarial, antiseptic, anti tumor, anti viral, bactericide, fungicide, insectifuge, pesticide, protisticide, respiradepressant, schistosomicide, termiticide, and viricide.(20)
Besides lapachol, Pau D'Arco contains at least twenty other active constituents that are attributed to its other actions. It has clearly demonstrated broad clinical applications against a large number of disease causing micro-organisms which explains its wide array of uses in herbal medicine. Its action seems to come from increasing oxygen supply at the local level, destroying bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
It's antimicrobial properties were clinically demonstrated in several clinical trials, demonstrating strong activity against various gram-positive bacteria and fungi including, Candida, Staphylococcus, Trichophyton, Brucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, strep, and dysentery.(21-25)
Pau D'Arco and it's constituents have demonstrated antiviral properties against various viruses including Herpes I and II, influenza, polio virus, and vesicular stomatitis virus.(26-28) It's anti-parasitic actions against various parasites including malaria, Schistosoma, and Trypansoma have been also clinically validated.(26, 29, 30) Bark extracts of Pau D'Arco have also demonstrated anti-inflammatory activity and have been shown to be successful against a wide range of inflammations.(31)
The Dietemann Research Foundation, Inc., in Los Angeles, California found that extract samples of Pau D' Arco stimulate the alimentary tract, the liver, gall bladder and sweat glands. Also noted in their research was that the active ingredient helps the adrenal gland function better when a person is subjected to stress.
Dr. Norman Farnsworth from The University of Illinois, after extensive clinical research, confirmed that, "Pau D' Arco does indeed contain a substance known to be highly effective against cancers. While many herbs are credited with properties that stop cancer cell growth, Pau D' Arco contains compounds which seem to attack the cause of the disease."
Dr. John Heinennan, a medical anthropologist who specializes in studying herbal medicines, says, "It sounds too good to be true, but Pau D Arco seems to have earned for itself considerable merit in the successful treatment of most forms of cancer, diabetes and certain other debilitating diseases... "
As you can see, Pau D'Arco has many VALIDATED applications in herbal medicine. Unfortunately, its popularity and use has been controversial due to varying results, which are caused by the lack of quality control, confusion on which part of the plant to use and how to prepare it.
There are many species of Tabebuia as well as other completely unrelated tree species exported today from South America as "Pau D'Arco" which have little to none of the active constituents in the true medicinal species studied and used. Even mahogany shavings from the sawmill floors in Brazil are swept up and sold around the world as "Pau D'Arco" due to the similarity in color and odor of the two woods.(32)
In 1987, a chemical analysis of 12 commercially available Pau D'Arco products showed that only one product contained lapachol in trace amounts.(33) Since lapachol is typically 2-7% in true Pau D'Arco, the study surmised that the products were either not truly Pau D'Arco, or that processing and transportation damaged the products.
Most of the research and studies on Pau D'Arco have shown that the inner bark contains the most medicinal properties, yet there are many companies that are selling the outer bark, which is stripped off at sawmills when the heartwood is milled into lumber for construction materials.(32)
At least 10 species of Tabebuia trees are commercially logged in South America for lumber purposes, which explains the varying species of "Pau D'Arco" bark being sold as a natural medicinal products.
Finally, and most importantly, many consumers and practitioners are unaware that for the best results to extract the active constituents even after obtaining the correct species, the bark must be boiled at least 8-10 minutes rather than making a simple tea or infusion.
The final product must be in tincture or tea form because Pau DArco in pill form has very little medicinal value. With these problems, it is not surprising that consumers and practitioners are experiencing varied results with commercially available Pau D'Arco products.
At Seasilver, we employ strict quality control standards. We use the inner bark of the lapachol tree which is boiled to 212 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of 10 minutes as this heating process releases the volatile oils and esters. We even go one step further. Our Pau D Arco is heated four times which creates a quadruple strength formula.
There is countless scientific evidence from clinics and laboratories around the world that have proven the boundless powers of the Aloe Vera plant. These facts are documented and published in some of the most prestigious literature including: " The Journal of the American Medical Association," "The American Journal of Pharmacology," "Cancer," and the " The International Journal of Dermatology."
In a publication by Karen Gottlieb, Ph.D. entitled "Aloe Vera Heals, The Scientific Facts," she illustrates clinical and laboratory evidence supporting the thousands of testimonials relating to the healing experiences with the use of Aloe Vera.
Out of the over 150,000 botanicals, Aloe Vera is the SINGLE ingredient that contains the most nutrients essential to mans existence. Aloe Vera is even mentioned five times in the Bible.
Aloe Vera is a complete nutritional substance and has been approved by the FDA as a food substance.
Aloe is one of the finest colon cleansers and clinical studies show it cleans morbid matter from the stomach, liver, kidneys, spleen and bladder. Aloe aids in the relief from indigestion, stomach distress and ulcers.
Aloe is considered by many renowned experts on nutrition to be the best bowel regulator that exists in the world. Medical research has also proven that the topical use of Aloe Vera helps aid in the healing of burns and skin irritations. Aloe Vera also has more oxygen molecules than any other known plant.
Just like not all tires are the same, likewise, not all Aloe Vera is the same! Unlike other Aloe Vera products on the market, Seasilver uses only WHOLE LEAF ALOE . Scientific research has proven that the outer leaf and rind, which are thrown away by most other manufacturers, contain 200% more of the beneficial ingredients than the inner part of the leaf.
Whole leaf Aloe Vera contains over 100 separate ingredients. Some of the most desirable constituents; because of their well-known health supporting benefits, are the polysaccharides, or glucomannans, the glycoprotiens and associated growth factors. Seasilvers Aloe Vera is not pasteurized. This COLD PROCESS enables the nutrients in Seasilvers aloe to remain in tact.
Another benefit of Seasilvers aloe is that it is not watered down. Water is the number one breading ground for bacteria. Companies that water down their aloe have to load it with preservatives like citric acid, sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate. Seasilver uses no preservatives, stabilizers or defoaming agents.
The Aloe Vera in Seasilver is hand filleted and we only use leaves that are a minimum of four years old, ensuring the highest quality and assuring full maturity which provides the maximum nutrients. The Aloe Vera in Seasilver contains over 39 essential minerals and vitamins and all 23 amino acids.
In this letter I have listed many clinical studies showing how properly processed Pau D Arco, sea vegetation and cold processed/whole leaf Aloe Vera can benefit cancer patients.
I have seen Seasilvers anti cancer properties FIRST HAND with patients and family. My grandmother, had metastatic lung cancer. She was put on a respirator and told that it would be a matter of weeks before she passed away. She had always resisted my nutritional advice in the past, however after her poor prognosis, she finally took my advice and began to take Seasilver.
To her doctors amazement, she lived another 3+ years. Her oncologist, at Chicago Northwestern Hospital, said that in his 25 years in practice he had never seen such a "miracle." He couldnt understand how on earth she survived so long without showing any signs of cyanosis considering her lungs were only working at 10% capacity. I know unequivocally that the "miracle" that kept my grandmother alive was called Seasilver.
I have seen this same scenario with dozens of my patients who have developed cancer. There are many cancer survivors in my Seasilver organization. They will tell you that they owe their lives to Seasilver.
As you can probably tell from this letter, I am very fact based and I do not rely heavily on anecdotal testimonies. I have a large collection of pre and post Seasilver blood tests that OBJECTIVELY PROVE the products efficacy. I can even give you names and phone numbers of some of the cancer survivors that would be more than happy to tell you what Seasilver did for them.
How exactly does Seasilver benefit cancer patients? Well, I have already mentioned some of the research on how Seasilver contains ingredients with PROVEN cancer fighting properties. However, I truly feel that Seasilvers ability to bring oxygen into the cells is the key reason so many people with cancer are benefiting by taking Seasilver.
First, its important for you to understand what exactly CAUSES cancer. Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Laureate, was awarded two Nobel Prizes in 1931 for discovering the cause of cancer. He stated, "The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a relative lack of oxygen. Cancer cannot live in an oxygen rich environment. "
Dr. Steven Levine, world renown molecular biologist confirms this and states, "Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause of cancer and all degenerative diseases. " (Antioxidant Adaptation: Its Role in Free Radical Pathology, 1985).
The evidence is overwhelming. Oxygen plays a primary role in our health and well-being. How does Seasilver fit in? Today, 35% of Americans suffer with cancer. The International Cancer Institute states that in the next few years, one out of two Americans will have some form of cancer ( thats 50%!)
By analyzing air bubbles trapped in fossils, scientists have recently proven that the earths atmosphere used to have 38% oxygen. By comparison, todays air only contains 16% oxygen! Due to this lack of oxygen, cancer cells are now able to flourish in epidemic proportions.
Seasilver uses a patented device called the Multy-Trans unit which, atomic mass spectrometer analysis has proven, increases the available oxygen content in Seasilver to an ASTOUNDING 40% per bottle!! Because of this "cellular oxygen," Seasilver was able to give my grandmother the oxygen her body needed even when her lungs were deteriorated considerably.
I know this letter has been lengthy; but as you can tell, the ingredients in Seasilver are backed up by a lot of research. Not only is there scientific evidence to PROVE this but I also have OBJECTIVE lab tests showing Seasilver's efficacy.
Not to mention, Seasilver is also backed by a 100% UNCONDITIONAL money back guarantee. So if anyone takes Seasilver and is not satisfied, they get their money back. So the only thing anyone has to lose by taking Seasilver is poor health. Seasilver, nourishes, oxygenates, cleanses and purifies at a cellular level.
How can someone do anything but improve their health by taking Seasilver?
Wishing you an abundance of happiness and good health,
Dr. David Friedman
1) Textbook of Medical Physiology by Arthur C., M.D. Guyton, John E. Hall 8th edition Published in January 1985 by Harcourt Brace & Company Canada
2) Ara Der Marderosian, Ph.D, professor of Pharmacology at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science.
3) Medicine from the sea. (medicinal qualities of sea plants) Paperback/ Author: Ginger Webb 1996
4) Tierra, Michael. The Way of Herbs (Pocket Books Press, 1990)
5) HerbalGram, the quarterly publication of the American Botanical Council. 1997 Austin, Texas.
6) Webb, Ginger. Vegetarian Times. April 01 1997. Page 18-21
Pau D Arco :
1) Mowrey, Daniel. 1993. Herbal Tonic Therapies. Ed. Keats Publishing: Canaan, CT.(46)
2)Jones, Kenneth, 1995 Pau d'arco: Immune Power from the Rain Forest. Healing Arts Press: Rochester, Vermont pp. 54-8. (160)
3)Schultes, R.E., and Raffauf, 1990. The Healing Forest. Medicinal and Toxic Plants of the Northwest Amazonia, R.F. Dioscorides Press: Portland Oregon..(1)
4)Duke, James & Vasquez, Rudolfo, 1994 Amazonian Ethnobotanical Dictionary, CRC Press Inc.: Boca Raton, FL (10)
5)Balee, William., 1994 Footprints of the Forest Ka'apor Ethnobotany - the Historical Ecology of Plant Utilization by an Amazonian People Columbia University Press: New York, NY (162)
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7)Bernardes, Antonio, 1984 A Pocketbook of Brazilian Herbs, A Shogun Editora e Arta Ltda: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.(3)
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12)Heinerman, John, 1996. Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs & Spices. Parker Publishing: West Nyack, NY.(73)
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32)Taylor, Leslie. Personal observations in Manaus, Belem and Sau Mr. P.o, Brazil
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