Reading a different
"Effortless" principle... each day, for 30 days. (takes less than 2 minutes)
Reading the supplemental material -
Short true life examples of the principal in action to aid in your understanding of the
principle. (takes between 5 - 10 minutes)
After reading the material, contemplating upon, and
finding both the intellectual and spiritual understanding within the day's principle.
Think of ways you can put the principle into action in your life. (suggested minimum time;
5 - 10 minutes)
Practicing the principle and incorporating it into
your life over the following day. This, of course, is very important; the more vigilant
you are in practicing, the more dramatic the changes in your life will be. (suggested
minimum time; every opportunity that presents itself.)
Optional - As you participate
in the seminar, miracles will begin to happen in your life. Sharing these miracles with
others is an important part of the seminar. It is suggested that you do so through the
special on-line miracle happen mailing list. This will allow you to share in the joy and
accomplishments of others, as well as lend your support to others who are practicing the
same principles as you. Further information about joining this list will be presented when
you join the seminar for the first time.
The On-line Effortless Prosperity
Seminar is a guide into the realm of Truth, where we are divinely provided with everything
we need to be totally prosperous. It has been created to produce maximum results in the
shortest time possible. Just as the Effortless Prosperity Book is not a book to be read in
one sitting, the On-Line Seminar can not be taken in one visit. The total power and
effectiveness of this course comes from the daily study of, and vigilance, for the lesson
of the day. One by one, day by day, each lesson builds upon the next to create effortless
prosperity consciousness. If you sincerely "live the lessons" 100% each day,
sharing your miracles with everyone else or with an Effortless Prosperity study group, you
will experience what it is to be effortlessly prosperous by the end of thirty days.
If you are not vigilant and are only partially
committed to studying the lessons, you may need to practice them for more than one
thirty-day period. It may take only one month to get it, or it may take six or more. Each
additional month that you study Effortless Prosperity, however, you experience the
lessons on a different level. Be patient and vigilant. It is easy to return to old habits
and familiar belief systems. After all, we have lived with them for a long time. Change is
most effective when it is gentle and gradual. That is why this seminar is made up of
thirty simplethough profoundlessons that will help you create effortless
As you study the lessons, you may experience some
resistance. As a matter of fact, ego often raises three issues.
At first, it will try to convince you that effortless
prosperity is too good to be true. It will tell you that nothing is "effortless"
- financial abundance, perfect relationships, and excellent health only come with hard
work and long hours.
Secondly, ego will try to reason that the miracles you
experience are just coincidence. It does not want you to recognize Spirit and your
vigilance for the light.
Lastly, as ego begins to lose control, it will panic
and may become desperate. On a subconscious level, you may feel that you do not deserve
effortless prosperity. You may even experience guilt about the past or fear of the future.
But this is just egos attempt to distract you from all of the positive things that
are happening to you. Remind yourself often that you are prosperous, joyous, and
completely open to receive all of God's gifts. You deserve all that the Universe has to
If you remain steadfast to the Truth and trust God
within you, you will see amazing results. Ego will place many obstacles in your way, all
of which can be easily overcome. To each of these, simply smile and say to ego,
"Thank you for sharing."
Much thought went into how to present this live seminar
on line. It was finally decided to conform to the suggestions in the Effortless Prosperity
book, and the Effortless Prosperity Study Groups world wide. When you join the Effortless
Prosperity Seminar on-line, you will be starting with the lesson that corresponds with
that day of the month. For example, if you start on the 11th of June, you will be joining
the seminar with the 11th lesson. That way, all Effortless Prosperity seminars, study
groups, and readers will be focusing on the same lesson, and there is a great strength
that is generated through that world wide group consciousness.
It is recommended that you print out the the lesson for
each day, and then sit quietly for several minutes each morning after rising and each
evening before retiring while you repeat and re-read your lesson for the day. Allow
communication and spiritual guidance to come to you during this time. These lessons will
put you in touch with knowing the truth of who you are, which is a child of God. Apply
each lesson you have learned as often as possible throughout the day. As a reminder, you
may want to carry the lesson with you, and whenever you think of it, read the lesson to
yourself slowly, with your minds full attention.
Since every lesson builds upon and confirms the
previous lessons, some participants have found it extremely beneficial to reread the
previous lessons along with their lesson of the day. As a result of bringing all of the
lessons into their consciousness each day, they have experienced even faster growth.
Create many miracles in your life with the
information you are about to learn... You deserve them!
To be prosperous without effort, we must first decide
to make peace our ultimate goal. To be in peace, we must know that our only
function in life is to heal ourselves and others through our expressions of love and
forgiveness. We do not have to get better jobs, second jobs, or work more hours. We do not
need to add to our education, acquire additional degrees, make better contacts, or be
around people who either lead us, follow us, or who are more successful. We need only to
stay focused on our function of healing and our goal of peace as we participate in life
through interaction with people in our relationships, jobs, and social activities.
One of the greatest benefits of studying Effortless
Prosperity is that we become aware of how we project our own feelings of guilt and
fear onto others. It is our ego that will always tell us we are guilty or afraid and that
we do not deserve "effortless prosperity". Yet at the same time, ego will
convince us that we need to get rid of our guiltand we do this by projection. Once
we understand this, we realize that everyone is our mirror. Whatever we see in others is
what we have first seen inside ourselves. As we learn to see this as our own guilt
being projected out and not theirs, we are able to forgive them. By loving and
forgiving them, we are loving and forgiving ourselves and healing our own minds.
Every experience in life is an opportunity for us to do
our function of healing. Though this may seem difficult at times, it is made easier when
we practice and think about it as often as possible. Effortless Prosperity contains
thirty easy and powerful lessons. These lessons have been prepared in such a manner that,
when they are practiced, our egos are slowly pushed out of the way and Holy Spirit is
allowed to enter. This provides us with all that we need to experience effortless
prosperity. Also, these lessons have been designed to give us the vision to see that,
through our ego-selves, we can do nothing. But with the help of Holy Spirit, our Higher
Self, and our guides, we can achieve our ultimate goal of peace simply by doing our daily
function of healing ourselves and others.
As we perform our function of healing, our lives will
become peaceful and effortless. Everything around us will automatically fall into place
and everything that we need will be provided for us (God knows what we need even before we
ask). As long as we are vigilant for the light and we always choose peace, our life
will be filled with effortless prosperity, effortless relationships, effortless health,
and ultimately, effortless living.