Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key)
is a method of natural healing based on the application of Universal Life
Force Energy (the name literally means Universal Life Force Energy). Coming from the Japanese words Rei (God consciousness) and Ki (life force energy).
This energy is everywhere all of the time. It is called by various names in different parts of the world: "prana" (India), "chi" (China), or "spirit" (Western)—it is what animates us. It is the subtle energy we unconsciously feel when we sense that someone is "intense" or "laid back". Each person’s pattern of energy is as unique to them as their fingerprints. These patterns are often described as personal vibrations. A Reiki treatment is a spiritual practice because it works directly with energy, or "spirit".
How might giving something like Reiki can make any changes in a persons
body or attitudes? This isn't a very well understood question and,
well, the answers tend to reduce to hand waving. And so it goes that
the public at large finds it difficult to accept this technique when the
medicine they are familiar with is able to explain itself so well, or so
it seems. While western medicine is able to explain a lot of things
and put up a dazzling array of words with precise meaning, in actuality the
functioning of the body remains largely a mystery.
There should be some attempt at understanding how Reiki, and other methods
of using Life Force Energy, works. Anybody who has spent much time
with Reiki will have seen very interesting occurrences happening and experienced
changes in their life. Perhaps it will have challenged their belief
system, for it did mine, or it may have fit nicely with their already existing
beliefs. While some say it is merely enough to accept what has happened without
looking a gift horse in the mouth, many people (myself included) like to
peek under the hood and see what's happening.
I've had information come to me through many avenues. Some has come
through intuition or knowing that comes to me sometimes during healing
sessions, or sometimes during meditations. Other information comes
from classes, books, or attending lectures. No one piece had the whole
puzzle, and there's parts that still puzzle me now. The picture is
becoming clear, and striving to understand the mechanism itself is not the
avenue to understanding the mechanism. Instead it seems the most useful
path to understanding is that of clearing your connection with non-reality,
or that which we see with our physical eyes, and of clearing issues from
your life, so that you have less impinging on the connection with non-reality
(the 3D world). As I've cleared these areas of my life greater knowing
in all aspects has come to me, and I see now that this is what the spiritual
writers talk about.
The first thing to discuss is the model for our experience of the world. There is an overall energy field that is vast, wide, and encompasses all
that is. This energy field is both vastly more complicated and vastly
simpler than the physical world we see with our eyes, taste with our mouths,
smell with our noses, hear with our ears, and touch with our skin. The
energy field permeates all the physical things we see, and the physical things
we see are sort of a condensation of the energy in this field. The
term condensation is imprecise and incomplete, but is the best term
I know.
That which we can sense with physical senses is limited. The organs
have a specific range within which they operate, for instance the eyes operate
in the light frequencies between red and violet, the ears between
20 and 20,000 Hz, and so forth. There is a wide range of possible
vibrations of physical matter which our physical senses cannot perceive because
it is outside the capability of our physical bodies. Science and
Engineering have done wonders with extending the range of our sensing, but
not matter how widely sensing of physical phenomenon is extended no proof
of such an energy field is found. The energy of this energy
field that permeates all that is is not physical (in the sense of being
3D, whatever that means) and cannot be directly sensed by any physical
3D instrument, biological or otherwise, given current understandings. The
recent developments in Quantum and SuperString theories may lead to instruments
capable of directly sensing the less condensed states of energy and
thus directly measure these energy fields.
By condensed energy the picture in mind is something like a stalactite,
the thing which hangs from the ceiling in a cave. The ceiling of the
cave, in this analogy, is the highest vibrational level of this energy field,
and the tip of this stalactite-shape is an object in the 3D physical reality
we see with our eyes. For every object there is a continuum of energy
states between the vibrational level of 3D physical objects and the vibrational
level of the whole universe. The stalactite is this continuum,
and at various places along this stalactite one is at different vibrational
I believe this continuum is the same model as discussed by the theosophists
(Helen Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, etc, as well as other writings such as Barbara
Brennan's books) discussing the different bodies (physical, etheric,
auric, mental, soul, etc). These authors claim there are discrete levels
to this spread of vibrational states between 3D physical reality and oneness.
What I have seen so far indicates there is a continuum, though
I've noted some experiences implying there are discrete levels. In
one of Barbara Brennan's books she describes watching the energy fields of
those who were raised without knowledge of discrete energy bodies and, as
the theory of discrete energy bodies is explained to them, watching their
own energy field form into discrete energy bodies.
The level closest to the physical body is termed the etheric body.
The purpose of the etheric body is to be a template from which the
physical body is grown, and the etheric body holds both our personal most
perfect form as well as the template for our current form.
If one, for instance, breaks a bone then the break can be felt in the etheric
body even after the physical bone has knitted back together, because the
etheric body is remembering the break. It has been observed that the
pains often times associated with old breaks in bones are resolved by working
with the etheric body and retraining it to mesh more closely with the bones
most perfect shape, to help the etheric body forget about the break. It
is the memory of the break which seems to cause these old pains, and by releasing
the memory of the break the pains can be no more.
This shows us something about the energy fields and the continuum of energy
vibrational levels between the 3D physical world and oneness. Namely
that what shows up in the physical world manifests in some way in the higher
vibrational levels as well. It has been observed that some symptoms
begin with processes in the higher vibrational levels eventually manifesting
in the physical body as a disease or some other symptom. Other
things, such as broken bones, begin with physical disturbance (the broken
bone) which causes disturbance in the higher vibrational levels as well.
So then this way of creating healing, by applying Universal Life Force Energy,
is to direct the energy that makes up the universe to the people,
places or things where there is difference between the current form
and the ideal form. For instance the ideal form of a bone is to be
strong and whole, not broken and weak. The application of Life Force
Energy then would tend to erase the broken and weak pattern replacing it
with a strong and whole pattern. Depending on the depth to which this
pattern changing is accepted determines the speed with which the pattern
is changed. If one is only able to accept a little change at a time
then healing will require much time, or if one is able to accept lots of
change the healing can be instantaneous.
Questions & Answers
How does Reiki relate to what I've just said? Reiki is a method
of applying Universal Life Force Energy, hence the name. Reiki is only
one such method, there being many other methods of doing this. The
different methods of applying this energy take different forms, some methods
taking a lot of input and interaction from the practitioner, while others
(such as Reiki) take care of directing themselves and work pretty much
automatically. In essence using Reiki is to simply turn on a fire
hose and let some higher wisdom or power direct the flow of the energy to
where it is needed. Otherwise what has been said above applies fully
to Reiki.
What is Reiki? In the simplest explanation, Reiki is holistic healing (relating to or concerning the whole body and mind) where universal life force energy is channeled into another person for the purpose of healing. The energy (which is based on universal love), is captured by a practitioner, and channeled through their body, into the body of someone needing healing. Although Reiki is applied primarily to the body’s seven major energy centers (chakras, pronounced shock-rahs), it goes where it is needed in the body.
Why would I need Reiki? The popular concept of the principles
of healing is the removal of symptoms. This does not solve the root of dis-ease. Healing
is full and complete resolution of the causes of dis-ease. Healing is returning to a state
of alignment with your Higher Self or true way of being.
How Is It Done? In its simplest form using Reiki is simply the
practitioner placing their hands on the recipient with the intent of bringing healing and
willing for Reiki energy to flow. Reiki assists in the highest form of healing possible in
a situation. Sometimes the necessary healing may not match our own desired outcomes. This
is often where the spiritual aspect of Reiki is most obvious. Your Higher Self must allow
the Reiki energy to flow through the body.
What does it feel like? People feel Reiki in different ways.
Most often during a treatment the energy is experienced as warmth. Others feel a mild
tingle, as when an arm or leg has "fallen asleep". Still others feel a throbbing
or pulsing sensation. Some people don’t feel any physical sensation but describe
mental or emotional changes, such as a sense of calmness or peacefulness. Nearly everyone
experiences a Reiki treatment as deeply relaxing.
What is a Reiki treatment? Reiki is essentially the
"laying on of hands", an ancient technique common to many spiritual traditions.
In a typical Reiki treatment, the client lies down (fully clothed) on a padded treatment
table. Energy is transferred to the client through the hands of the practitioner in a
sequence of standardized positions where the hands are placed. There is no pressure
applied and no manipulation of tissues.
How does a Reiki treatment work? This question is best answered
by drawing an analogy. As mentioned before, our natural energy level is affected by our
state of health or dis-ease. We can all relate to the feelings of low energy or depletion
that occur when we are trying to heal, whether from physical distress (illness or injury)
or from mental difficulties (such as a grief or anxiety). A Reiki treatment can be
compared to jump starting a car. When the car’s battery can’t quite provide
enough energy to start the car, we attach jumper cables from another battery to add more
energy. Reiki is a means of adding more energy to our "life force" battery to
help "jump start" the healing process. This process does not exhaust the
practitioner, because the practitioner is trained to channel energy from the outside
environment, not from their own personal "battery". Practiced in this manner,
the energy available is virtually limitless. The amount of energy transferred depends on
the client’s ability to use it and willingness to receive it. When no more energy can
be used, the transfer ceases to occur.
What is Reiki distant healing? Distant healing is a Reiki session that is sent from a Reiki practitioner or master in one geographic location to a person who requested the healing in another geographic location.
Describe a Reiki treatment? In a healing session, the practitioner channels healing energy into the seven major energy points (chakras, pronounced shock-rahs) in the body. These points are located at the top of the head, the face, throat, heart, sternum, naval, and the pubic bone. While channeling the energies, his/her hands become very warm. During the process, the practitioner will lightly place his/her hands on each of these areas so that the healing energies may be sent to each chakra directly. The practitioner will also place his/her hands on the knees and the feet for additional healing.
A complete Reiki session involves channeling the healing energies first into the head and then to each chakra, the knees, and the feet, moving down the front of the body and back up, repeating the procedure on the back of the body. For special “trouble” areas, the practitioner may directly address them by placing his/her hands on these spots for the purpose of channeling additional energy where it is most needed. This is always at the discretion of the person being healed. When complete, the person receiving the healing usually feels rested and refreshed.
Here is a Reiki Fundamental which will instantly improve your life-quality.
Start your new life now by simply confirming and saying to yourself.
Just for today I will not get angry.
Just for today I will not worry.
Just for today I will count all of my blessings.
Just for today I will do my work honestly.
Just for today I will respect an honor all living creatures on this planet.
Do this every morning and night and you'll notice the change in your inner soul....
Can you feel the Reiki now? Many Reiki Practitioners will "charge" their web
Pages with Reiki in the intention that readers be able to receive a Reiki
treatment or sample directly from the page . I do intend that all these
pages be supportive of healing on all levels. In that sense all my pages
are charged. I have not found charging the web page with Reiki to be as
effective as asking my/your High self and the Solar or Guardian Angels
to help you have an experience of Reiki energy healing . If you take a
moment or two to quiet your mind and ask that you receive Reiki as
you are reading these pages or quietly meditating for a moment , You will
receive a remote Reiki treatment if it is appropriate for you to do so
at this time. You may or may not feel the Reiki but you will receive some
benefit in any case.
Free Distance Healing
~*~ Message from Synergy ~*~
Earth Angel
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