Books And Videos About Reiki

Books And Videos About Reiki

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Reiki Fire: New Information About the Origin of the Reiki Power; a Complete Method
by Frank A. Petter / Paperback / Publ Lotus Light Publications / May 1997

This book promises to be the most enlightening and, well, 'earthshattering' is the word that comes to mind, for the Reiki community. This book is written by a 'caucasian' Reiki Master living in Japan who has made contact with the successors to Dr. Usui. It gives quite a different history to Reiki than what we all were taught through Mrs. Takata. It is the same story as has been uncovered by Dave King and his partners, and is also covered in a recent article by William Rand at

Reiki : Universal Life Energy Ships in 2-3 days by Bodo J. Baginski and Shalila Sharamon / Paperback .  Copyright 1988,
LifeRhythm, PO Box 806, Mendocino CA  95460, Tel: (707) 937-1825, Fax: (707) 937-3052.

Reiki: Hawayo Takata's Story by Helen J. Haberly.  Copyright 1990, Archedigm Publications, PO Box 1109, Olney MD  20830-1109.

Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art by Diane Stein.  Ships in 2-3 days.  Copyright 1995, The Crossing Press Inc, Freedom CA.

This book is perhaps the most controversial book in the field of Reiki.  Fortunately it is well researched and presents a fairly accurate image of Reiki and it is a good contribution to the field.  The book breaks one of the cardinal rules of Reiki, that of keeping the symbols 'secret' from those who have not received Reiki training themselves.  She does us a great service in that she has published all of the symbols (at least that she could find) which greatly frees up some confusion among the practitioners.  Still, it is problematic that she publishes the symbols at all, and this brings to us Reiki practitioners the question of 'does this secrecy serve us'?  

A Complete Book of Reiki Healing : Heal Yourself,  Others, and the World Around You by Brigitte Muller, Horst H. Gunther. Ships in 2-3 days.
Published by Liferhythm, PO Box 806, Mendocino CA  95460, Tel: (707) 937-1825, Fax: (707) 937-3052.  Publication date: September 1995

Reiki Energy Medicine : Bringing the Healing Touch into Home, Hospital and Hospice by Libby Barnett, Maggie Chambers, Susan Davidson.
Paperback, 126 pages Published by Healing Arts Press.   Publication date: May 1, 1996.

This is an excellent book covering Reiki and its use in the world of medicine.  It is a call to all medical practitioners, whether traditional or not, to rethink their practices in the light of the new information on all forms of energy medicine (of which Reiki is just one form).

Living Reiki: Takata's Teachings by Fran Brown.  Copyright 1992, LifeRhythm, PO Box 806, Mendocino CA  95460.

This book gives an excellent insight into the life of Mrs Takata, written by one of her students.  Fran has been deeply involved with Reiki for many many years and has a very deep and broad knowledge of Reiki.

Reiki : A Torch in Daylight, by Karyn K. Mitchell / Paperback.
Published by Mind Rivers.   Publication date: October 1994.

Named from a part of the story of Dr Usui spreading Reiki in Japan, this book gives a short and sweet introduction to Reiki.

Reiki: The Healing Touch by William Lee Rand.  Copyright 1991, Vision Publications, 29209 Northwestern Hwy #592, Southfield MI  48034.  Phone (810) 948-8112, Fax (810) 948-9534, WWW  The Reiki News, a regular publication printing articles about Reiki, is available through the same place.

This book gives a very good and solid introduction to Reiki itself.  While William has developed other forms of Reiki, this book is clean from the influence of those other forms and presents pure Reiki.  This is the book I hand out to my Reiki students.

Abundance Through Reiki by Paula Horan.  Copyright 1995, Lotus Light Publications, Box 325, Twin Lakes WI  53181.

Taking a different tack from most books on Reiki, Paula presents here a way of using Reiki in your life.  The topic here is creating abundance, and working with your issues of abundance through the use of Reiki.  It is a good reminder that Reiki can be used for more than hands on healing, but also applied to places, situations, relationships, and anything else that you can visualize in your mind.

Empowerment through Reiki by Paula Horan.  ISBN 0-941524084-1.

The Reiki Handbook by Larry Arnold and Sandi Nevius.  Copyright 1982 PSI Press, Harrisburg PA.

One of the earliest books on Reiki, it is also a very complete book.

The Challenge to Teach Reiki by A. J. Mackenzie Clay.  Copyright 1992, New Dimensions, Byron Bay, NSW, Australia.

One Step Forward for Reiki by A. J. Mackenzie Clay.  Copyright 1992, New Dimensions, Byron Bay, NSW, Australia.

Reiki: The Usui System of Natural Healing by Paul David Mitchell.  Copyright 1985, The Reiki Alliance, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

The Complete Reiki Handbook by Walter Lubeck.  ISBN 0-941524-87-6.

The Reiki Factor: A Guide to Natural Healing, Helping and Wholeness by Dr. Barbara Weber Ray.  Copyright 1982, Expositions Press, Smithtown, New York NY.

Reiki and Other Rays of Touch Healing by Kathleen Milner
Paperback. Published by Kathleen Milner.   Publication date: October 1994

Other Appropriate Books

The Rays and Initiations by Alice Bailey.  Copyright 1972, Lucis Publishing Company, New York NY.

Alice Bailey wrote a whole series of books which you can find in better metaphysical book stores, they all have a dark blue cover and look alike.  These are some of the principle books of the Theosophical tradition, a movement started in the mid 1800s by Helen Blavatsky.  Alice received her information from a discarnate Tibetan monk called Dwaj Khul (?sp?) or DK or The Tibetan.  They are excellent books, though not always easy to read, giving a very wide and broad and interesting overview of the nonphysical world.

The Healing Buddha by Raoul Birnbaum.  Copyright 1979, Shambala Publications, Boulder CO.

I've not seen this book so I cannot comment upon it, however the Shambala tradition for excellently written books surely will be present in this book as well.  The Healing Buddha is a discarnate spiritual form which some of the Tibetan Buddhist traditions invoke.  Some of the theorizing about the foundation of Reiki has it that the Sanskrit scripture Usui studied and received inspiration from concerned the Healing Buddha.  Amazon claims this book is out of print.

Bodhisattva of Compassion: The Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin by John Blofeld.  Copyright 1977, Shambala Publications, Boston MA.

The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet: A Practical Guide to the Theory, Purpose and Techniques of Tantric Mysticism by John Blofeld.  Copyright 1970, Arkana Books, New York NY.

Turning the Wheel: American Women Creating the New Buddhism by Sandy Boucher.  Copyright 1993, Beacon Press, Bostom MA.

Hands of Light A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field and Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing by Barbara Ann Brennan.  Copyright 1993, Bantam Books, New York NY.

These two books are a very wonderful, complete and pure introduction to the science of energy medicine.  Barbara is a former NASA scientist who helped design weather satellites, who then became a counselor (using various forms of Reichian psychology principles, studying with the Perriakos' and the like).  In developing her counseling skills she began having flashes of clairvoyance, which became more pronounced and profound, until what she presents in these books is completely mind blowing and validating.  The system she presents is a complete healing system, treating all the layers of the aura, all the auric structures one can find, interacting with spiritual guidance, and diving into the deeper layers of the human energy field than the auric levels.  She runs a very large school (currently around 700 students from all over the world) teaching the skills she has developed and I am proud and delighted to be a student of this school.

Wheels of Light: A Study of the Chakras by Rosalyn L. Bruyere.  Copyright 1989, Bon Productions, Sierra Madre CA.

This book presents a study of the human energy field, some of its contents, and other related material.  Rosalyn is a very gifted and powerful healer and psychic, who started out in electrical engineering later to become a Spiritualist minister and now head of her own church and world renound teacher of spiritual healing.  Rosalyn taught Barbara Brennan many of the things she teaches.

Energy Anatomy : The Science of Personal Power, Spirituality, and Health by Caroline Myss
Bk&Csstts Edition / Audio Cassette / Published by Sounds True / Publication date: October 1996
Anatomy of the Spirit : The Seven Stages of Power and Healing; Caroline Myss.
Cssts Edition / Audio Cassette / Published by Sounds True / Publication date: October 1, 1996
Spiritual Madness : The Necessity of Meeting God in Darkness; Caroline Myss
Cssts Edition / Audio Cassette / Published by Sounds True / Publication date: January 1, 1997

Anatomy of the Spirit : The Seven Stages of Power and Healing; Caroline Myss
First Edition / Hardcover, 302 pages / Published by Harmony Books / Publication date: October 1, 1996

Caroline Myss is an excellent teacher, author and medical intuitive.  A medical intuitive is one who can tune in with anybody, at any distance, and give psychic readings of the medical condition of that person and suggested treatment.  She has an extensive background in spiritual learning and teachings, and a very blunt and straighforward manner of expressing herself and her considerable knowledge and wisdom.
Essential Reiki, A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art
by Diane Stein
Diane's work gives a comprehensive look at the three levels of Reiki. It takes a look at the Reiki story as it as passed down through oral tradition from healer to healer. This book was my introduction to Reiki and although I don't agree with the author on everything written in it....I do give the book merit overall. It opened doors for me. Paperback.

Reiki : Beyond the Usui System
by Karyn Mitchell

Reiki Energy Medicine
by Libby Barnett & Maggie Chambers


The Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha by E. A. Burtt.  Copyright 1955, Mentor Books, New York NY.

Kundalini and the Third Eye by Earlyne Chaney and William L. Messick.  Copyright 1980, Astara, Upland CA.

The Tao of Sexology: The Book of Infinite Wisdom by Dr. Stephen T. Chang.  Copyright 1986, Tao Publishing, San Francisco CA.

Reiki Videos

Symbols of Healing

Reiki: Universal Life Force Energy



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