Feng Shui

Feng Shui

The words Feng Shui in Chinese literally means Wind and Water. The Chinese have long observed that some surroundings are better then others, and for centuries they have used geomancy to improve the quality of life.

Today, Feng Shui has evolved into a refined art used to enhance luck and well-being through the modifications of layout and orientation of work-places and homes and is gaining popularity in the West.

The aim of Feng Shui is a complete harmony and a deep sensitivity with the natural order. Many aspects of Feng Shui are based on intuition and commonsense.

I've enjoyed using feng shui for several years. For myself, it is the simple arranging of furniture to let the energy flow better in my house and in my work space. Small things helped like:

  • Not having my back to the door have helped me work easier.
  • Cleaning up clutter helped me relax (ie. I could find things easier!)
  • Widening the front path makes coming home more inviting
  • Putting a large mirror behind the stove made it so I wouldn't be surprised when someone came up behind me (and helped prosperity... though that isn't as logical)
  • Putting a mirror up at the end of a hallway makes it not seem like a dead end
  • Making paths between rooms and through rooms wide and easy to use allows me to walk around easily (as well as get the chi to move)
  • Oiling doors so they didn't squeak reduced irritation

Here is a list of standard "cures" that I've used:

  • Clean up clutter
  • Arrange furniture so you can face the doors while sitting (or add a mirror so you can see behind you)
  • Making the environment much more comfortable (sitting away from drafts, adjusting lights, etc.)
  • Add crystal balls on the ceiling to help move the energy of your space
  • Add wind chimes or musical instruments to regulate energy
  • Add colors or art to bring in desired energy
  • Add trees, flagpoles or upward pointing lighting to raise energy

I am NOT a practitioner of Feng Shui. However, I feel that using it in my life has made my environment much nicer. When I first had Feng Shui done on my house, I doubled my salary within a month or two. The second time I had Feng Shui done, I was given a $30,000 raise - without asking.

Feng Shui Books

Here is my list of useful Feng Shui books. They are listed in my favorite order. (In association with Amazon.com for quick, reliable service - and discount prices!)

A-Z Healing - Meditations - Affirmations - Distant Healing - What Is Reiki?
Effortless Prosperity On-Line Seminar - Sacred Commitment - Prayer Wheel
Book Store - Tools For Wellness - Site Index