- Skin Elasticity Test
. On the back of your hand, pinch the skin
between your thumb and forefinger for 5 seconds. Then count how long
it takes for the skin to flatten back out. Average rates per age: 45
to 50 yrs 5 seconds; 60 yrs 10 to 15 seconds; 70 yrs 35 to
55 seconds. (These are general variations, but you get the idea).
- Falling Ruler Test
. This test measures reaction time, which
lengthens rapidly with age. Have another person hold an 18-inch wooden
ruler by the top, large numbers down, suspended centered above your
thumb and middle finger. Have them drop the ruler without warning
three times, while you try to catch it. Average your score by adding
the number places where the ruler was caught and divide by three.
Average score at age 20 is at the 11-in. mark, versus the 6-in. mark
by age 60.
- Static Balance Test
. This is the best do-it-yourself aging
measurement test you can do, according to Dr. Walford. Stand barefoot
on a hard, flat surface. Have someone stand close by in case you fall.
Close your eyes and lift your dominant foot (whichever hand side you
favor) about 6 inches off of the floor, bending your knee at an angle
of 45 degrees. Stay still, and have the other person time how long youre
able to do this without opening your eyes or moving. A younger person
can usually hold their position for 30 seconds or more, while an older
person usually only lasts a few seconds.
- Visual Accommodation Test
. This test, as its name suggests,
tests your eyes. While this test is not as accurate as the one your
personal physician can do, it will give you a general idea of where
your eyes are at, figuratively speaking. Hold a newspaper in front of
you. Slowly bring the paper in closer, until the regular sized letters
start to blur. Have someone measure the distance from your eyes to the
paper at this point. Average distances are as follows: 21yrs
within 4 inches; 30 yrs within 5 ½ in.; 40 yrs 9 in.; 50
15 in.; 60 39 in. Remember, it only matters when the letters start
to blur, not when the print is hard to read.