Lord's Prayer Heals

Lord's Prayer Heals

The Presence of The Holy Trinity in "The Lord's Prayer"

"Our Father who art in Heaven ..."
This phrase, calls upon and is an invocation to God our Heavenly Father. Through our Father God, we have guidance, wholeness, unity, harmony and peace. This phrase Jesus spoke to activate the very top portion of the crown of our head, and the pituitary gland. This phrase was given to us by Jesus to invoke God's Divine Will; it activates and vitalizes the upper brain, the (cerebrum), cerebral cortex, central nervous system, and right eye. It brings God's power and love to us for our healing. To keep this body center balanced and healthy, we must have a kinship with all life and strive to live in harmony with all of life. Effects: : inspiration, awareness, depression, closed mindedness, insanity and worry.
Nourishing Foods: This phrase is associated with the idea of fasting, however supportive foods are: violet/purple fruits and vegetables.
Problems: mental disorders, concussion, cramps, scalp problems, neuralgia, cerebral tumors, cranial pressure

"Hallowed be Thy name ..."
This phrase, calls upon (and is an invocation to) Christ Jesus to be with us. Through Christ Jesus, we have wisdom, brotherhood, and obedience. This phrase Jesus spoke to activate the pituitary gland, the lower brain (cerebellum), nose, ears and left eye. This body system becomes balanced with bringing more Christ Light to the body. It brings Christ's power to us for our healing. This area influences wisdom, devotion, peace of mind, detachment, intellectual stagnation. To keep this body system healthy, we need to feel free to pursuit our dreams (visualization); we must discover our purpose, mission, calling, direction and purpose in life; we must allow God’s Will be done in our lives. Nourishing Foods: most blue fruits for example berries
Effects: strengthening immune system (works with visualization), biofeedback/heart & nervous system rate/control.
Problems: Ear, eye and nose problems, (headaches, seasonal affective disorder, vision, hearing, clarity).

"Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven"
This phrase calls upon (and invokes) the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit there is LIFE, the obedient life. This phrase Jesus spoke to activate the thyroid gland, parathyroid, hypothalamus, throat and mouth. This phrase is given to us to commune with the power of God's word. This phrase activates the spoken word, creative expression in speech writing and the arts, integration, peace, truth, knowledge, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, reliability, gentleness and kindness. This area influences one’s ability to communicate, obsession and self-expression. For this body system to be healthy, we must be free to speak, and express our ideas and thoughts and God given talents.
Nourishing Foods: naturally blue and violet combined foods
Problems: relaxation, inflammation, fever (personal thermostat), energy level, weight problems, pain For greater well being in the area of: sore throat, voice problems, thyroid problems.

"Give us this day our daily bread ..."
KEYWORD: (2) BREAD/reproductive/Sacral Plexus
Give us what we need today Lord: strength, patience, energy for our work at hand. This phrase Jesus spoke to activate the lower abdomen to navel area, to balance our assimilation of food, physical force and vitality, and procreation.; it activates the spleen, reproductive organs, and bladder. Balances helped by giving more water to the body. This phrase gives us strength, patience, energy this day for the work our hands find to do. This phrase has to do with the issues and lessons of giving and receiving, working harmoniously with others, feelings, the emotions, desire, passionate love, possessiveness, change, movement, assimilation of new ideas, health, family tolerance, frustration, jealousy, envy, sexual difficulty, impotence, infertility, attachment, anxiety, fear, overindulgence, confusion, purposelessness, and endurance. For this body system to be healthy, we must ask God to help us to remove the fear, worry and anxiety that we will lose what we have or not get what we want; we MUST forgive others for what they have done to us that caused us hurt or grief, we must release our resentments to the Lord. Supportive Food: liquids containing more water, pumpkin, carrots, apricots, cantaloupes, peaches, tangerines, mangoes and orange colored foods.
For greater well being in the area of: reproductive.

"And forgive us our debts (trespasses), as we forgive our debtors (trespassers)"
KEYWORD: (1) DEBTS/SPINAL COLUMN/awareness, seat of consciousness.
May we forgive others as we would have them forgive us - help us to let go of anger, jealousy and judgment that we may have inner peace and well being. This phrase Jesus spoke to activate the adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones and the area of the base of the spine (coccyx). This phrase has to do with giving vitality to the physical body, instincts, life force. This phrase reminds us to forgive as we wish to be forgiven, to restore God’s grace and balance to our lives; let go of anger: jealousy, envy, judgment; and let us be at Peace.
Concerns: matters relating to the material world, passion, courage, confidence, and our survival. Learn to discipline the body. For this body system to be healthy, we must stop thinking we need material things or specific people to survive or be happy, rather we must rely on God to provide for us, that all we need do is ask Him and the Lord will provide for all our needs.
Imbalance Effects: insecurity, self centered, sexual perversions, violence, anger, greed.
Nourishing Foods: proteins, red fruits and vegetables.
Problems: constipation, hemorrhoids, sciatica, spinal problems, renal system, legs, skeletal system.

“And lead us not into temptation ...”
Have hope and trust in the way of the Lord, live God’s 10 commandments always. This phrase Jesus spoke to activate and vitalize the sympathetic nervous system, digestive processes, metabolism and emotions: pancreas, adrenals, stomach, liver, gall bladder, nervous system, muscles. This phrase has to do with gathering strength and balance from the Lord. Learn to discipline desire. Concerns issues relating to feelings of guilt, mistakes made through wrong judgments, unworthiness, control over others, fear of being emotionally hurt or taken advantage of, thinking that you must conform to what people think you should be in order to gain acceptance or recognition, blaming other people for your unhappiness, thinking love is a myth.
Effects: feeling of helplessness, greed, doubt, anger, guilt.
Nourishing Foods: starches, yellow fruits and vegetables
Problems: stomach trouble, indigestion, gas, constipation, liver problems, nervous exhaustion, eczema, jaundice, hepatitis, hypoglycemia.

“But Deliver Us from Evil”
KEYWORD: (4) HEART/ THYMUS Allow God’s love, and your faith to fill your heart and there be no room or place for evil.
This phrase Jesus spoke to activate your heart, thymus, circulatory system, arms, hands, lungs, blood circulation
Concerns: unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, understanding, harmony, acceptance, peace, contentment, openness, concerns for others (caring).
Effects: repression of love, emotional instability
Problems: heart problems, circulation problems
Nourishing Foods: Green fruits and vegetables.

“For Thine is the Kingdom”
Through our worship to you Lord, in accepting You as our Savior, may we experience the promise of Your Kingdom.
KEYWORD: (5) Will/Thyroid
(same as (5) previous)

“And the Power”
Let Christ’s power and love fill us.
KEYWORD: (6) Christ/Pineal
(same as (6) previous)

“And the Glory forever, Amen”
May the Glory of God’s power and love be with us indeed for eternity.
KEYWORD: (7) Glory/Father/Heaven/Top of head (crown)/Pineal/Pituitary
(same as (7) previous)


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