Energy Water - Water of Mystery
Summary of article on STC's Energy Water originally published in the Korean Environment Newspaper dated April 30, 2001.
NOTE Disclaimer: Any opinions, testimonials, or claims derived from this article are not confirmed by the FDA and until proven, may or may not be true. Neither Energy Water, nor any of the products manufactured or distributed by STC are intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any illness nor symtoms of any illness.
Molecular Correction Medical Science concentrates on water and nutrients. Current medical science concentrates on the treatment of symptoms by means of medication and operations. The basic purpose of Molecular Correction Medical Science is to locate the root cause of the disease and to cure it.
For example, anemia can not be cured by iron supplements only. This means that nutrient itself can not cure the disease because the process of the flow and transition of the nutrients in our body is so complicated and abstruse.
Our body is made up of water (70%), nutrients (29.5%) and oxygen (0.5%). If other unhealthy substances stay in our body for a long time, we become sick. The function of water in our body is to remove these substances from our body through metabolism It is noteworthy that persons with chronic disease don't like to drink water.
The water we drink penetrates into the cell of our body through cell membrane. At the time the water goes into the cell, the structure of water, H2O, is changed to H30.OH. DNA, which supplies the blueprint to regenerate cells, is in the middle of cell and cell wall surrounds the cell. The water in the cell has the molecular structure of H30.OH. Accordingly, if the molecular structure of water we drink is not changed to H30.OH from H2O when the water is absorbed into the cell, the cell is no longer a normal and healthy cell. If the moleculular structure of the cell water changes to other than H30.OH, the cell becomes an abnormal cell from that moment.
For example, in case of cancer or a tumor, the molecular structure of water in the cell is something different from the normal H30.OH. If the abnormal moleculular structure of water in the cell is replaced with the normal one, then adult diseases like cancers and tumors will disappear accordingly.
STC International produces various different kinds of products using this Molecular Correction Medical Science Technology invented by Dr. Kye Ho, Lee. These products are all formulated using this Water of Mystery, called "Energy Water".
Functions of Energy Water
- Normal cell growth.
- Improve the regeneration of cells.
- Improve organism (facilitate excretion, digestion and inhalation)
- Growth acceleration: vegetables and flowers
- Strengthen immune system: improving allergy physical constitution to normal constitution.
- Prevention from harmful ion: Food poisoning, tumor on the eyelid.
- Neutralization of poison and/or detoxification: neutralize chemicals.
- Environmental purification: No contamination of water at all, which makes it possible to use the water again.
Energy Water facilitates three processes:
- Facilitates metabolism and synthesis of 300 million enzymes.
- Delivers all the information coining to and from DNA.
- Facilitates metabolism and accordingly oxygen and nutrients in the DNA to fully perform its functions. This improves the ability of the body to cure disease by itself and all the diseases are gone and all the cells are regenerated and renewed.
Some testimonials applying the Energy Water to our daily life:
- If you smoke, put a small amount of Energy Flake Salt on the Cigarette filter: this smoothes the taste of cigarette.
- A small amount in coffee, juice and tea smoothes the taste of the drink and no burden of digestion.
- Wine or liquor: smoothes the taste of the drink and prevents any hangover.
- Flowers and plants: Dilute the salt with water (1/100) and spray the Energy Water. Flowers hardly fade and plants grow healthier.
- Storage of vegetables, fruits: due to the strength of ionization, vegetables and fruits can be stored fresh and poison free, if you wash them with the Energy Water.
- Humidifier: Energy Water (Flake salt and water 1/100) removes all odors and curbs the production of germs or poisons in the humidifier.
- Fish Tank: add small amount of energy flake salt to the water in the tank or bowl. Impurities are controlled and the water in the fish bowl can be used for a longer time.
Some testimonials - Application to the human body:
Dilute 4 gram of the Energizing Crystals to 1 gallon of water and drink 5 to 6 glass a day. You can feel the improvement within one month or so and it induces you want to drink the Energy Water often.
- Children, juveniles
- Improves memory ability. -Improves poor appetite.
- Changes poor physical health and allergy sensitivity.
- Solves the problem of child obesity.
- Female:
- Fatigue - PMS
- Constipation - Allergy
- Acne and liver spots - Pregnancy - Climactic change
- Gastrointestinal disorder - Insomnia
- Menopause
- Male: - Gastrointestinal disorder - Fatigue
- Enlargement of the prostate gland.
- Fat ratio- Allergy
- Prevents Hang-over
- Prevention from blood acidification.
- Dissolving fat: Apply Energy Water to the part of the body and massage for a few minutes. Some fat may be dissolved.
- Conjunctivitis; Wet gauge with energy water (1/50) and dry it. Put it on the eye when you are sleeping.
- Tooth ache: Wet gauge with energy water (1 /50) and dry it. Put it on the part of the ache.
- Athletes foot: Apply heavily diluted energy water to the foot and massage it smoothly.
- Wound and scars.
- Piles.
- Snoring.
- Sauna
Other Testimonials
- Cleansing out motes and other minute particles of pollutants from the body.
Stops stomach ache
Sprained ankle recovery
Halted fungus in the feet or finger
Banished fatigue
Stopped itching in anus
Stopped itchy scalp
Ended loose bowels (diarrhea)
Strengthened gums
Hair scurf
Healed corn on the foot.
Brightened gloomy and dim eyes
Healed bruise on the leg
Stopped tooth decay
Helped a duodenal ulcer
Stopped eczema
Wash bean sprouts with the energy water (l/1000): keep in fresh
Put bean curd in the energy water (1/1000): Keep more than fresh
Spray the energy salt over the watermelon: keep more than fresh
Put grapes in the energy water: keep more than fresh
Gets rid of roaches.
Cleanses dishes and tea cups crystal clear.
Spray the energy salt in the refrigerator, and all the odors are got rid of.
Apply used energy water to the furniture and floor to clean.
Wash dish cloth with the energy water (1/1000) for detoxification.
Tympanitis (ear inflammation)
High or low blood pressure, anemia.
Cholesterol, arteriosclerosis
Ends headaches
Cures Colds
Slows Arthritis
Treats Gout, Menopausal disorder, neuralgia
Ends chronic fatigue
Reverses diabetes
The tooth paste: solves serious dental problems.
- Vegetarians: put all the materials of raw organic food, like vegetable, fruits and roots in the energy water (1/1000) for 10 minutes and keep them in the refrigerator. You will be surprised that they are kept as fresh as the original.
STC Offers many different nutritional supplements mixed with the Energy Water:
- Oxynyum: provides oxygen 5 times more than other nutrients.
- CelciOne: Blood Circulation, Heart, Blood vessel disease, cancer,Innnune system...
- Eastramin: Enzyme. Vitalize body, improve energy level.
- Carion: Contains plenty of Calcium, vitalizing our body.
- Hypotigel: Excellent Antiseptics, Antibiotic, restore to normal cell, strengthen immune system.
- Beta-Rangerine; Diabetes
- Gloitchin 550: excellent nutrients for Cartilage (a must for seniors)
- Fielpa Gan: Detoxify. Chronic Fatigue, Stress, Recovery after operation.
- Jaraphrine: Breast Cancer, Liver Cancer, high and low blood pressure, Blood circulation, Vigor.
- Health Blue: Improving one's physical constitution (very important)
- Other nutrient supplements.
Skin Care Products made with this Energy Water of Life:
- All regular skin care products.
- Special Skin Care Products: Sensitive skin, Acne, liver spots or freckles.
Personal Care Products made with Energy Water
- Body cleanser, Body lotion, before-shave, after-shave and many others.
- Shampoo, Soap, Hair Tonic, Hair care - Grow hair in 3 - 12 months (we have many testimonials with Before & After pictures)
Dental Care: Dr. Lee's Tooth Paste: you don't have to go to dentist again!
Water purifier
More than 100 different kinds of products mixed with the Energy Water are being researched now. The company is committed to introduce at least 1 new life science related product to the market every month.
The Energy Water can be applied to human beings (internally and externally), plants and vegetables, pets and animals, farming and many other fields.
Warning: Those people who have a kidney problem should not drink the Energy Water
For more technical information on Energy Water click here.