Chakra and Aura

Chakra and Aura

Introduction - Aura - Chakra


Throughout history, the idea of a universal energy pervading all nature has been held by many Western scientific minds. This vital energy, often perceived as a luminous body, was first reported in Western literature by the Pythagoreans around 500 B.C. They held that its light could produce a variety of effects in the human organism, including the cure of illness.

The scholars Boirac and Liebeault in the early 12th century saw that humans have an energy that can cause an interaction between individuals at a distance. They reported that one person can have a healthful or unhealthful effect on another simply by his or her presence. Other properties of the universal energy phenomena were observed in the 1800s by Helmont and Mesmer, who originated Mesmerism, which became hypnotism. They reported that animate and inanimate objects could be charged with this "fluid" and that material bodies could exert influence on each other at a distance.

More recently, Dr. Schafica Karagulla has correlated visual observations made by people who are "sensitive" to those who have physical disorders. For instance, a clairvoyant named Diane was able to observe the energy patterns of ill people and to describe very accurately what the medical problems were - from brain disorders to obstructions in the colon. These obervations of the etheric body reveal a vital energy body or field which forms a matrix that interpenetrates the dense physical body like a sparkling web of light beams. This energetic matrix is the basic pattern upon which the physical matter of the tissues is shaped and anchored. The tissues exist as such only because of this vital field behind them.

Dr. Dora Kunz, President of the American Section of the Theosophical Society, has worked for many years with the medical profession and in healing. She has observed that "when the vital field is healthy, there is within it a natural autonomous rhythm", and that "each organ in the body has its corresponding energetic rhythm in the etheric field. Between the spheres of the various organs, the different rhythms interact as if a transfer function were occurring; when the body is whole and healthy, these rhythms transfer easily from organ to organ. However, with pathology [illness], the rhythms as well as the energy levels are changed. For example, the residue of a surgical appendectomy can be perceived in the field."



The Human Energy Field (HEF) is the manifestation of universal energy that is intimately involved with human life. It can be described as a luminous body that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, emits its own characteristic radiation, and is usually called the "aura". The human aura, or HEF, is that part of the Universal Energy Field (UEF) associated with the human body. The frequency at which your energy field is vibrating is a direct reflection of your inner state of being. Based on their observations, researchers have created theoretical models that divide the aura into several layers. These layers are sometimes called bodies, and they interpenetrate and surround each other in successive layers. Each succeeding body is composed of finer substances and higher "vibrations" than the body that it surrounds and interpenetrates. The third body, the "emotional body".

The aura is the "missing link" between biology (physical medicine) and psychotherapy. It is the amorphous "place" where all the emotions, thought, memories, and behavioural patterns which patients discuss in therapy are located.



The Seven Major ChakrasEach layer of the HEF appears different and has its own particular function, and each is associated with a chakra. That is, the first layer is associated with the first chakra, the second layer with the second chakra, and so on. The locations of the seven major chakras on the physical body (shown to the left) correspond to the major nerve plexuses of the physical body in that area of the body.

The points or tips of of the chakras, where they connect to the main power current, are called the roots or the hearts of the chakras. Within these hearts are seals which control exchange of energy between layers of the aura through that chakra. That is, each of the seven chakras has seven layers, each corresponding to a layer of the auric field. Each chakra looks different on each of these layers.

Energy can be seen flowing into all of these chakras from the Universal Energy Field. Each swirling vortex of energy appears to suck or entrain energy from the UEF. They appear to function as do fluid vortexes we are familiar with in water or in air such as whirlpools, cyclones, water spouts, and hurricanes. The open end of a normal chakra is about six inches in diameter at a distance of one inch from the body.

Each chakra has specific emotional or psychological tasks which need to be completed in order for the entire chakra system to maintain a sufficient overall frequency. The level of frequency allows a similar degree of spiritual development. In order for someone to improve spiritually, they need to develop heightened perception. This is possible when the chakras are functioning at optimum level. When an individual is struggling with a specific developmental task, the associated chakra experiences a loss of energy. If this is not dealt with, congestion builds in the chakra and an energy block is created. The long-term result is a chronic decrease in the amplitude of energy vibration, which in turn leads to the development of physical symptoms.

CROWN (7th Chakra) - On the top of the head, slightly to the back of the highest part of the skull. Governs the pineal gland. Spiritual Chakra.

THIRD EYE or FOREHEAD (6th Chakra) - Above and between the physical eyes. Governs the forehead and pituitary gland. Associated with psychic perception.

THROAT (5th Chakra) - Base of neck. Governs thyroid and parathyroid. Centre of communication. Every time we do not speak our truth, blocks occur in the throat chakra.

HEART (4th Chakra) - Behind the breastbone or sternum. Governs the heart organ, and thymus gland. Emotions come from the heart, including love and self-love. This is another common area for blocks, such as lack of self-love and love of others.

SOLAR PLEXUS (3rd Chakra) - Below the heart and between the lower ribs. This is our centre of energy. Food is assimilated at this center. Issues of food, digestive problems, alcoholism reside here. Governs the pancreas and liver.

SACRAL (2nd Chakra) - Belly chakra, a few inches below the navel. Governs the spleen in men, the uterus in women.

BASE or ROOT (1st Chakra) - Located at the genitals. Place of birth and rebirth. The survival center and place of ability to draw abundance from the universe. Governs the adrenal glands.


NOTE: Information and some images have been taken from Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field by Barbara Ann Brennan (New York: Bantam, 1988).

Also see: The 13 Flames


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