The points or tips of of the chakras, where they connect to the main
power current, are called the roots or the hearts of the chakras. Within
these hearts are seals which control exchange of energy between layers
of the aura through that chakra. That is, each of the seven chakras
has seven layers, each corresponding to a layer of the auric field.
Each chakra looks different on each of these layers.
Energy can be seen flowing into all of these chakras from the Universal
Energy Field. Each swirling vortex of energy appears to suck or entrain
energy from the UEF. They appear to function as do fluid vortexes we
are familiar with in water or in air such as whirlpools, cyclones, water
spouts, and hurricanes. The open end of a normal chakra is about six
inches in diameter at a distance of one inch from the body.
Each chakra has specific emotional or psychological tasks which
need to be completed in order for the entire chakra system to maintain
a sufficient overall frequency. The level of frequency allows a similar
degree of spiritual development. In order for someone to improve
spiritually, they need to develop heightened perception. This is possible
when the chakras are functioning at optimum level. When an individual
is struggling with a specific developmental task, the associated chakra
experiences a loss of energy. If this is not dealt with, congestion
builds in the chakra and an energy block is created. The long-term result
is a chronic decrease in the amplitude of energy vibration, which in
turn leads to the development of physical symptoms.
CROWN (7th Chakra) - On the top of the head, slightly to the
back of the highest part of the skull. Governs the pineal gland. Spiritual
THIRD EYE or FOREHEAD (6th Chakra) - Above and between the physical
eyes. Governs the forehead and pituitary gland. Associated with psychic
THROAT (5th Chakra) - Base of neck. Governs thyroid and parathyroid.
Centre of communication. Every time we do not speak our truth, blocks
occur in the throat chakra.
HEART (4th Chakra) - Behind the breastbone or sternum. Governs
the heart organ, and thymus gland. Emotions come from the heart, including
love and self-love. This is another common area for blocks, such as
lack of self-love and love of others.
SOLAR PLEXUS (3rd Chakra) - Below the heart and between the
lower ribs. This is our centre of energy. Food is assimilated at this
center. Issues of food, digestive problems, alcoholism reside here.
Governs the pancreas and liver.
SACRAL (2nd Chakra) - Belly chakra, a few inches below the navel.
Governs the spleen in men, the uterus in women.
BASE or ROOT (1st Chakra) - Located at the genitals. Place of
birth and rebirth. The survival center and place of ability to draw
abundance from the universe. Governs the adrenal glands.
NOTE: Information and some images have been
taken from Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy
Field by Barbara Ann Brennan (New York: Bantam, 1988).