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Flower essences are potentized flower extracts, which address the mental and emotional aspects of wellness.

Vibrational Essences are gifts from nature. Rainflower Essences contain the healing energy and life force of plants, minerals, and light. These energies help us return to health and add a helping hand to both traditional and holistic medical therapies. These energies are made from the energies found in flowers, gems and spiritual places.

Our Peruvian Rainforest Essences have captured energies only found in ancient and rare flowers and orchids found in very remote areas of the Amazon Rainforest and mountains of Peru. Our Florida Sunshine Essences capture the unique healing properties of the beautiful flowers in the sunshine state. The Saugany Lake Essences contain the healing energies from this sacred Indian site.

Flower Essences Are Not Aromatherapy Or Fragrant

The term "flower essences" may conjure up thoughts of sweet fragrances, but flower essences actually have no scent at all and should not be confused with "aromatherapy" or "essential oils." Neither are flower essences similar to herbal medicines.

Flower Essences Are Not Herbal or Drugs

Herbal medications work primarily on the physical body much like common drugs. Unlike herbal medications, flower essences do not work on the physical body and do not interfere or interact with any drugs, surgery or herbal medications.
These Vibrational essences are composed of Vibrational energies, spring water and preserved in brandy. They contain no other chemicals or physical properties.

Flower essences are similar to homeopathic remedies, but work much deeper and are much safer than homeopathic remedies.

Flower Essence History

The first flower essences were made by Dr. Bach and are widely known as Bach Flower Remedies. In the last three decades Dr. Bach's work has been greatly advanced by pioneers in this field such as Richard Katz and Patricia Kaminiski in California, Kathy Kinnard in Oregon, Ian White in Australia, Fred Rubenfeld in Colorado, Andreas Korte in Germany and many others.

As far back as in the 1930's, Dr Edward Bach, a sensitive and learned physician in England, presented the view that disease was impossible - unless one was not in harmony with one's true nature. He also was of the opinion that solutions to ill health lay "not in the laboratory and artificial drugs, but in nature, among trees, plants and herbs of the field".

A keen observer of people and of nature, he followed his theories by making discoveries through careful observation of the physical characteristics of plants, and research into their herbal history and lore. Using intuitive methods such as meditation and plant attunement, Dr Bach recognized the presence of an inherent, original, energy pattern in each living plant. Realizing that "dew" on those plants could capture and hold those qualities too, he developed Flower Essences in order to transform our energy field and restore inner balance.

Dr Bach's 38 original flower remedies and his formulated Rescue Remedy, a combination of five of his essences for the relief and release of trauma, are now used worldwide. Since his work became recognized, individuals in other countries have been inspired to explore the healing qualities of their flower kingdoms. Thousands more Flower essences are now being offered and utilized for health and life enhancement. See Sources.

Presently this healing modality is widely used by medical and holistic healthcare practitioners, as well as lay people. In Mind/Body studies it is now known that emotions affect the nervous system function, hormone levels, as well as the immune response. When these areas are out of balance one is more easily susceptible to organic dysfunction. Early life's traumatic experiences can be the source of deep disturbances causing chemical imbalances that wreak havoc with our moods and relationships. Just as negative emotions detract from our wholeness and cause us to LOSE energy, releasing or transforming these emotions achieves the opposite, an INCREASE in wholeness, resilience and available energy.

Like Homeopathy, there is currently no analytical scientific explanation for why flower essences have such a beneficial effect on people. Current work in psycho-neurobiology, physics and philosophy indicate that we are bi-dimensional beings, both living in the physical world and a world of thought, quantum fields and vibrations.

Drugs, surgery and herbal medications work on the part of us in the physical world. Vibrational energies work on the part of us in the world of thought or in physics referred to as quantum fields or the 4th dimension and higher dimensions.

A Focus On Healing Rather Than Covering Up Symptoms

This focus on health represents a real change in perspective from many other forms of care. These essences are not focused on eliminating symptoms or problems, but on developing the tools we need to to balance, heal and resonate with health. When this is accomplished many of our physical symptoms often diminish and sometimes disappear.

More Than Just Emotional Support

While most people think of flower essences as a holistic way to deal with unwanted emotions such as fear, anxiety, grief, or heartbreak, you will soon find that flower essences do much more. Some essences help develop the ability to maintain your cool in business or stock trading. Some essences help you increase your natural psychic ability and let you communicate better with your pets.

For many, flower essences and sacred site essences are primarily used as a tool for inner growth, spiritual growth and evolution, a "turbo jet" for the journey to enlightenment.

The word "Alchemy" comes to mind when one best describes the action of Flower Essences. Alchemy, an ancient chemical science, had the grand aim of converting base metals into gold. This power of transforming the common into precious is precisely what Flower Essences do, as their primary action is to raise consciousness from base to higher levels. Very simply, taking Flower Essences helps us flower. We are at our strongest and most powerful when we are truly ourselves, and nature can bring that reconnection. Defined as liquid, potentized preparations, each carrying a distinct imprint of the character of a particular flower, Flower Essences are being recognized today as a unique, natural, holistic modality that can open us to choices more closely aligned with our inner spirit or soul. To achieve optimum healing, a modality needs to address more than one's physical aspect. The mental, emotional and spiritual aspects also need consideration. Flower Essences fulfill this requirement and are experienced by people as Soul nourishment.

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Flower Essences are individually prepared in their natural environment in a quiet and meditative atmosphere. The wildflowers are picked at the peak of their blooming cycle. For optimum potential, attention is also paid to the ideal season, moon phase and the time of day. Four Elements are involved, and the plant's spirits are asked in prayer to supply the fifth element, the gift of transference of the plant's energies to the water. A clear, crystal bowl, filled with spring WATER, is placed on the EARTH in the fresh morning AIR. The opening blooms are picked and placed in the water until the bowl is full. Left for several hours in the morning sun [FIRE], the blossoms fade, transmitting their energy to the water. The flowers are then carefully removed from the bowl, leaving the water clear of any plant material. This ''mother tincture" is preserved with alcohol [or vinegar] and diluted and shaken rhythmically twice before being taken in dosage form. Some essences are made without even damage to the plant, which is carefully arranged to lie in the bowl of water. In cold countries where there is little fire element from the sun, essences can be prepared using a boiling method.

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Gem Essences are prepared similarly, with the cleaned gemstone placed in a bowl of fresh spring water for several hours in the sun to allow the energies of the stone or mineral to be carried into the water. The material gemstone is then removed, the tincture preserved and diluted similarly to the Flower Essence method.


flower essence,flowers, essences,bach flower essences, Amazon amazon flower essences, peruvian flower essences, saugany lake flower essences, grief flower essences, business flower essences, education, hospice flower essences, school success flower essences, divorce flower essences, flower essence combinations, Mount Shasta flower essences, pet flower essences, flower remedies, homeopathic essences, florida flower essences, guatamalian essences, Belize flower essences ,healing, vibrational healing, flower remedies, alternative medicine, essenses, esences, crystal, healing, holistic, medicine, naturopathic, remedies, new age, herbal, herbal remedies, natural healing, heart, naturopathy, gems, gem elixirs, gem remedies, health, homeopathy, vibrational medicine, nature, spiritual growth, spiritual awareness, emotional healing, holistic animal care, health products, chakras, pet essence


Flower Essences are safe to use for all, including small children, the elderly, people with allergies and even pets. Flower Essences have no aroma or taste. They are normally taken in the form of drops under the tongue, in a beverage, as a spray or in your bath.


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Also see:Flower Essence Reference and Rainflower Essence

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