The Lord's Prayer

Metaphysical Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer
by Dr. Paul Leon Masters, University of Metaphysics

Our Father - Mother God who is in the Kingdom of Heavenly Consciousness within our Minds. Holy be Your Presence in our awareness. We open our minds to Your Kingdom of Higher Heavenly Consciousness. Awaken our earthly direction in life to the Universal Will of Your Heavenly Mind. Give us this day, the daily nourishment of the Presence of Your Spirit. And as You forgive us, so in turn, may we, by Your Presence in our minds, forgive others. And inwardly guide us away from all that is not of Your Presence into your Light. For Yours is our True Inner Power and the Glory of our True Selfhood for ever and ever. Amen. [Matthew 6:9-13]

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Did You Know?

Christ Jesus gave us a most special gift in His Lord's Prayer, as each verse of the Lord's prayer empowers a specific spiritual center within your physical body and brings us Christ's gift of healing.

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