Pendulum Information

PENDULUMS are tools used to measure vibrations or energy levels.

Everything has a unique harmonic motion or vibrational frequency which can be measured. It is an instrument that lets you directly communicate with your higher self or inner child. You can tune into an objects vibrations. It can be used to clear the body of unwanted wastes and change underlying causes of imbalance.

One who harnesses the four forces of his psychic nature becomes a reflector of higher force by understanding the significance of:

  • Fire / Spirit
  • Air / Thought
  • Water / Emotions/ Feelings
  • Earth / Sensations

    Al so see: Dowsing - A Tool for Self-Empowerment

  • A-Z Healing - Meditations - Affirmations - Distant Healing - What Is Reiki?
    Effortless Prosperity On-Line Seminar - Sacred Commitment - Prayer Wheel
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