Seasilver - FAQ


What is Seasilver?
What is Seasilver's Foundational Health Program?
What ingredients make up Seasilver's Foundational Health Program?
Why do I need Seasilver's Foundational Health Program?
What will Seasilver do for me?
Is Seasilver safe with medications?
Is Seasilver safe for pregnant or lactating women?
Is Seasilver safe for children?
Is Seasilver recommended for senior citizens?
Why don't you list the amounts of each vitamin and mineral on the bottle of Seasilver?
How do you compare Seasilver to other so-called "colloidal mineral" products that I have heard about?
Do I need to take any other Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplement?
Who produces Seasilver and is the facility approved by the Food and Drug Administration?
Is Seasilver approved by the Food and Drug Administration?
How much Seasilver should I take per day?
Does Seasilver need to be shaken before each use?
What is the shelf life of Seasilver?

What is Seasilver?

Seasilver is a 100% whole food (plant-based) nutritional supplement with proprietary ingredients and proprietary processing techniques. Seasilver works in perfect harmony with Mother Nature by observing all her laws, guaranteeing all nutrients will be absorbed at the cellular level. Seasilver is by design a complete Foundational Health Program.


What is Seasilver's Foundational Health Program?

The combination of ingredients in Seasilver creates a complete Foundational Health Program. Seasilver is designed to BALANCE your body chemistry, CLEANSE your vital organs, PURIFY your blood and lymphatic system, NOURISH your body at the cellular level, OXYGENATE your bodies' cells, PROTECT your tissues and cells against toxins and STRENGTHEN your immune system.


What ingredients make up Seasilver's Foundational Health Program?

MATRIX ALOE VERA - Matrix Aloe Vera™ is a proprietary nutritional whole food that brings botanical based nutrition into the new millennium. Traditionally, worldwide, there is about 20,000 acres of Aloe Vera fields and it takes about 2-4 years to grow 2 lb. leaves. Seasilver™, with its propriety farming technique, is growing 5-6 lb. leaves in 10-12 months, with nutritional composition test results showing as much as 10 times the nutritional values, while maintaining natures perfect balance. Starting with our proprietary farming techniques, utilizing organic seaweeds and microorganisms for fertilization, adding our proprietary cold processing technique, along with our proprietary Sonic Energizing Application™ (S.E.A.) we can guarantee reduced surface tension below 58 dynes (typical aloe vera surface tension: 76-78 dynes) for three years. This provides better permeability, assuring 95-98% absorption at the cellular level of all nutrients, along with an increase of 40% in oxygen molecule intensity. Matrix Aloe Vera™ is safe and non-toxic.

Primary role in Foundational Health - Balance, Cleanse, Nourish, Oxygenate, Protect and Strengthen.


SEALOGICA - Sealogica™ is a proprietary blend of 10 sea vegetables. The question often arises, why is sea vegetation far superior to land vegetation? There are numerous reasons as to the tremendous value of sea vegetation for human consumption. Seawater acts as a natural barrier to pollutants of sea vegetation, while land vegetation is susceptible to all contaminates in our soil, water and air. Sealogica™ is grown and harvested, only when ripe, from the coldest and purest seawater from the North East Coast of Canada and Iceland. Sealogica™ is 50 times more potent than common sea kelp in nutritional value. Its deep-sea minerals have been incorporated into living cellular structures with the help of phytoplankton, algae and diatoms, which are then released in a bioactive ionic form. Sealogica™ is a monomolecular liquid assuring 95-98% absorption at the cellular level. These represent the most bio-available and ultimate form of nutrients. Sealogica™’s proprietary sea-veg blend is considered, by many, to be nature’s finest whole food for human nutrition. Sealogica™ is safe and non-toxic.

Primary role in Foundational Health - Balance, Nourish, Oxygenate, Protect and Strengthen.

PHYTO-SILVER™ - Phyto-Silver™ is a proprietary blend of Matrix Aloe Vera™ and sea vegetables with concentrated phyto-nutrients rich in plant-based non-metallic, Silver, along with other powerful antioxidant properties and phyto-nutrients in nature’s perfect balance. Phyto-Silver™ is safe and non-toxic.

Primary role in Foundational Health - Nourish, Protect and Strengthen.

PAU D'ARCO - Medicine men and ancient healers have used the La Poncha tree’s miraculous inner bark for hundreds of years, only to be discovered by traditional health practitioners in the last twenty years. Researchers have discovered that Pau D’Arco is the only type of vegetation known that will not permit the development of fungus, making it very effective in the control of yeast and mold allergies. In 1987, a chemical analysis of 12 commercially available Pau D’Arco products was published in “The Canadian Journal of Pharmacology”. Their analysis showed that only one product contained the active ingredient, Lapachol. It was concluded that these products did not use Tabebuia impetiginos (inner bark of the La Poncha tree) and failed to boil the bark during processing. In order for Pau D’Arco to be effective, it must be boiled at 212 degrees fahrenheit for a minimum of 20 minutes. This heating process releases the volatile oils and esters. Seasilver™ uses only Tabebuia impetiginos (inner bark); boiled to insure its highest medicinal properties. Seasilver™’s Pau D’Arco is quadruple strength to ensure maximum effectiveness. Pau D’Arco is safe and non-toxic.

Primary role in Foundational Health - Purify, Oxygenate, Protect and Strengthen.

CRANBERRY CONCENTRATE - The Native Americans have recognized the curative properties of cranberries for centuries. Cranberry concentrate has a water content of less than 2% (68 Brix) so that it requires no preservatives, chemical stabilizers or pasteurization. This allows for the full nutritional benefits of the natural cranberry as nature intended. Cranberry concentrate is safe and non-toxic.

Primary role in Foundational Health - Nourish and Cleanse.


Why do I need Seasilver's Foundational Health Program?

In over 25 years of lecturing worldwide universally every Medical Doctor, Osteopath, Chiropractor and Naturopathic Physician agree that we must do these seven (BALANCE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, NOURISH, OXYGENATE, PROTECT, AND STRENGTHEN) basic things to have optimum health. We live in a world that has serious environmental problems, from the air we breath to the water we drink. Our foods today are becoming more and more depleted of vital nutrients because of depleted soils, chemical fertilization and improper food preparation. Combined with the stress of everyday life from society challenges, family challenges, career challenges and financial challenges our need for Foundational Health has never been greater.


What will Seasilver do for me?

This is a very difficult question. Everybody has different body chemistries, genetic make ups, physical conditions, emotional conditions and environmental conditions. What we can guarantee is that Seasilver will help to BALANCE your body chemistry, CLEANSE your vital organs, PURIFY your blood and lymphatic system, NOURISH your body at the cellular level, OXYGENATE your bodies' cells, PROTECT your tissues and cells against toxins and STRENGTHEN your immune system. By giving your body the tools it needs to accomplish these seven basic things, how can you do anything...but improve your health? Please refer to our Seasilver Testimonies for what Seasilver has done for hundreds of thousands of other people just like you.


Is Seasilver safe with medications?

Seasilver is completely safe and effective. There is no contraindication with any medications. Seasilver may even help to offset some of the negative side effects of certain medications, including Chemotherapy and Radiation. If your health care professional tells you its okay to eat food while taking your medication, then you can take Seasilver.


Is Seasilver safe for pregnant or lactating women?

Seasilver is 100% safe and effective for pregnant and lactating women. OB/Gynecologist recommend Seasilver as a prenatal Vitamin and Mineral Supplement because it contains every Vitamin, Mineral Trace Mineral, Amino Acid and Enzyme known to man, in natures perfect balance. In addition to all the nutrients Seasilver also helps to guard against Toxemia, a serious condition no Doctor wants their patient to encounter during pregnancy. Seasilver also helps the mothers' body to produce colostrum, the fluid that comes through the breast for the first 48-72 hours of nursing. Colostrum helps to enhance the digestive system of the newborn and will provide a positive affect the entire life of the newborn. The recommended dosage for pregnant women is 2-3 ounces per day as a prenatal vitamin. If you are taking other prenatal vitamins take 1-2 ounces per day


Is Seasilver safe for children?

Yes, Seasilver is safe for children of all ages. The recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon for newborn to 30 pounds, 2 teaspoons for 31-60 pounds, 3 teaspoons for 61-90 pounds and 1 ounce per day over 90 pounds.


Is Seasilver recommended for senior citizens?

We highly recommend Seasilver for senior citizens, because as we get older our digestion abilities weaken. Seasilver, being a liquid, with a reduced surface tension (below 58 dynes), offers increased absorption (95-98 %) of all the vital nutrients at the cellular level, providing increased health benefits for all senior citizens.


Why don't you list the amounts of each vitamin and mineral on the bottle of Seasilver?

The FDA requires listing the amounts of synthetic nutrients (man made chemicals) on vitamin or mineral supplements only, because man can control the amount of each chemical put into these types of products. Seasilver, being a whole food product, does not contain any synthetic nutrients. Nature cares about balance (the ratio of vitamins to minerals, to trace minerals to amino acids to enzymes to) not potency. Potency in nature will vary. This is why you never see the amount of nutrients listed on foods in the produce section of your grocery store. We know oranges contain Vitamin C. If you pick 10 oranges off the same tree, they will all have a different amount of vitamin C, but the ratio of nutrients one to another will be the natures perfect balance. The secret to why Seasilver is so effective.


How do you compare Seasilver to other so-called "colloidal mineral" products that I have heard about?

There is NO comparison. Seasilver is a complete Foundational Health Program, not just a mineral supplement. Colloidal mineral products that are in the market place today come from humic shale deposits, that makes the nutrients in these products inorganic and the metals Aluminum, Zinc, Copper, etc. in a metallic form. Metallic metals are unsafe for human consumption. The American Institute of Biosocial Research has conducted laboratory analyses on these clay-based liquid mineral products and they have been found to contain dangerous amounts of inorganic aluminum. Products containing high doses of inorganic aluminum have been known to cause brain seizures with long-term use.


Do I need to take any other Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplement?

No. Seasilver contains every vitamin, mineral, trace mineral, amino acid and enzyme known to man in nature's perfect balance. If you have health challenges, then you may require additional nutritional support, such as larger doses of Seasilver, herbs, homeopathic, etc. Multi vitamin and mineral pills that list the amount of each nutrient are all synthetic (man made chemicals) that do no more then offer false energy, upset the balance of your bodies' chemistry and contribute to long-term negative side effects, such as cardio vascular disease and arthritis.


Who produces Seasilver and is the facility approved by the Food and Drug Administration?

Americaloe, a subsidiary of SEASILVER USA, produces Seasilver. Americaloe only produces Seasilver and only produces it for Seasilver USA. Americaloe is licensed and approved by the FDA to produce dietary supplements.


Is Seasilver approved by the Food and Drug Administration?

The FDA does not approve any dietary supplements. They only approve drug products. The FDA has a list of guidelines and ingredients commonly referred to as the GRAS List (Generally Recognized as Safe). Ingredients on this list are considered to be pre-approved. All the ingredients in Seasilver are on this list or fall into their pre-approved guidelines.


How much Seasilver should I take per day?

The recommended amount is 1 ounce 2 times a day for the first month then a maintenance dosage of 1 ounce per day under 150 pounds and 2 ounces per day over 150 pounds. If you have health challenges and require extra nutrients, you can take up to 1 ounces 4 times a day. For maximum absorption it is best to hold 1 ounce of Seasilver in your mouth under your tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. This allows the enzymes present in Seasilver to bond with the enzymes in your saliva allowing absorption to take place through the mucosa and entering the cells in 60 seconds or less.


Does Seasilver need to be shaken before each use?

No. All the ingredients in Seasilver are 100% suspended in solution (Matrix Aloe Vera) and they will never fall out of suspension. This guarantees the consumer maximum absorption and assimilation of all nutrients at the cellular level.


What is the shelf life of Seasilver?

Seasilver has a recommended 1-year shelf life. We suggest consumption within 60 days after opening. Seasilver USA inventories retention samples from every product batch for 5 years. We have run numerous tests on samples that were 2 years old. There was no leaching of nutrients and the microbiology tests came back negative.


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