Sound Wave Energy

Sound Wave Energy

Sound Wave Energy is an holistic approach to healing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the person. The purpose is to bring the individual back into a state of harmony and balance through the application of vibration and resonance.

The Principle of Resonance

Matter is organized by wave forms and frequencies. We all know that if we have two violins that are tuned exactly the same, and we pluck one string on one of the violins, the plucked string will produce a field of sound energy, that will trigger the other violin's matching  string to begin to vibrate and produce the same sound. This is called "resonance" and it happens naturally.

Resonance is a basic principle that affects everyone and everything, all the time. This same principle applies for a person in need of physical healing, or mental and emotional transformation. The correct frequency reminds the body's energy field of its original blueprint, and brings it into harmony. When we are in the presence of a person who is expressing joy, the energy field of her joy brings our own joy to the surface, so we resonate together. This is true of other manifestations of the same principle, in both positive and negative ways.

Create a Symphony
"We are the instruments, We are the orchestra, We are the music."

Each cell takes part in the symphony of your body. Your role as a conductor is to orchestrate harmony. When a musician (organ or system) produces a sour note, you bring them back into harmony by helping them to tune their instrument or refocus their attention. Not by covering up their disharmony or removing them from the orchestra.   Each musician (part of the body) is important in its Divine Expression for the creation of the symphony.

The different tones will help you achieve balance and eventually you will hear your own harmonic symphony, creating peace in mind and heart. If you have read this so far, you probably remember a time when sound and light were very powerful tools. They are tools that you can use as a stepping stone toward understanding your Divine Essence. These tones bring change.

Are you ready for a Celestial Tune-up? Does your heart resonate with this information? You are the conductor.  You have the choice.

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