I'm a 41 year old woman in excellent health. I'm often told I look very young for my age. I have been using magnetic therapy in conjunction with other health regiments for a very long time and believe in their benefits. A picture of me can be found here.
January 14, 2002 - I received my 12,000 gauss Neodymium rings.
January 15, 2002 - My first night wearing the rings after having them on only about five minutes I began to feel very mild aches in varies areas of my body. My heart beat remained normal. I didn't feel anything else and fell asleep within ten minutes of retiring.
When I woke up I didn't feel the mild aches, I didn't notice anything out the norm. After being awake for about five minutes I felt a noticable tension release. I didn't know I was tense until I felt the release, a feeling of relaxation came over me. After the release of tension I experience sensations in my upper body... mainly my cheeks, upper arms and breast. The sensation was neither warm or cool just a presence of activity in those regions.
January 20, 2002 - No symptoms or side affects to report. I sleep very well and can workout longer with less fatigue and soreness.
Don't miss the testimonial page on Alex Chiu's site for some interesting stories!
Peace and health.
~*~ Synergy ~*~