Thoughts From The I AM

Thoughts From The I AM

by Michael Burtt

The surrender of judgment is to fulfill your only purpose here and unify your self to your divinity. The instant we release self-judgment we are incapable of judging anyone else. We can only judge ourselves if we have not accepted ourselves unconditionally. The cause of judgment is lack of self-love and to surrender judgment, you must release fear. Every experience is an equally valid expression of life and as such we cannot judge it. True, justice is the allowance of all that is. Who are we to deprive anyone of his right to enrich his soul with whatever experience he chooses? The forgiveness of separation (non-judgment) sees any condition, act, or person as being in the right place for learning.

Happiness is a choice at every moment. It flows from the I AM source within and is then reflected back from everything without.

Judging good as better than bad immediately calls bad onto the stage to perform. If one side of the balance is given value, we give birth to its opposite as a reality to be experienced. Newton's Law applies to the pairs of opposites: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Resistance creates the opposite of its intent.

Defense calls for attack, attack calls for defense. Fear not released must manifest as experience. Why? Because we are here to experience all emotions and emotion always precedes wisdom.

Open Up And Welcome

Judgment is born of fear, and what we fear we empower, and will soon attract to us. To welcome means to receive with love. Guilt is always an acceptance of judgment and indicates a lesson not learned. The tongue that abuses cannot converse with God; for once we have lost the power to harm, we can finally bear witness to God.

To own an emotion it only needs to be experienced once. No emotion must ever be resisted but welcomed. Whatever does not matter as a preference will not materialize as an experience. Attachment leads to pain. If anyone has hurt you, this means you searched for happiness outside yourself.

Happiness is a choice at every moment. It flows from the I AM source within and is then reflected back from everything without. Making this choice is the shift from tragic to magic. Embracing is the key to the understanding of how to balance polarities. The waters of the brook do not accuse the rock of being in its path. The water flows around the rock giggling gently. Embrace, welcome and face any emotion.

When we criticize our brothers, we affirm separation and reject reality or oneness. There is only one being here. Reality is diversity in oneness. Great efforts to fight disease and sickness result in more sickness in the world. If sickness matters enough to be feared, then it has to materialize to be experienced. This process is in exact obedience to the law of polarities. True perception sees the idea of loss as the problem; not the loss itself, which is just form.

Return To The Source

The root cause of poverty is withholding love from one's brother. "Real" poverty is the lack of loving yourself. Money is but the physical form of the universal energy of love. Let God pay the bills as love can only be increased by giving. The game of getting achieves the opposite as our hunt for supply is based on the fear of not having enough. Where lack of any kind is experienced, the I AM is not acknowledged. To be is all there is...The I AM is my source.

God I Am

About The Author

Michael Burtt is a spiritual traveler who enjoys sharing his thoughts of wisdom with others. The above thoughts were sparked by the book, "God I Am" by Peter Erbe, ©1991, published by Triad Publications. Michael can be reached at: P.O. Box 331791, Coconut Grove, FL 33233.

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