Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch (TT), defined by the Nurse Healers-Professional Associates International, Inc, is a contemporary interpretation of several ancient healing practices and is an intentionally directed process of energy exchange during which the practitioner uses the hands as a focus to facilitate healing. It was developed in the early 1970's by Dolores Krieger PhD., RN and Dora Kunz, a natural healer. It is grounded in nursing research.

Therapeutic Touch is a mindful act of compassion that promotes relaxation and comfort. Indications for use include, but are not limited to, reduction of pain and anxiety, promotion of relaxation, and facilitation of the body's natural restorative processes. Therapeutic Touch enhances the inner self healing potential of the practitioner, as well as the recipient of the intervention. As such, it is a stress reduction strategy.

Therapeutic Touch is a natural human potential that most people can learn with the appropriate education. Qualities that could be considered prerequisites to learning Therapeutic Touch are desire, compassion, a sense of well-being and the discipline to practice the process once it is learned to help other people, animals or plants!


Creater loves you and so do I!

I love all things bright and beautiful... and constantly seek to help improve on the Creater's handiwork.. but the bottom line is the fact that I do not worship material outer "things"......body or possessions.

I have allowed myself to enjoy what the Creater has freely given, and to take care of and enhance his gifts to me. THAT is not "wrong" for me. It took so very long to come to my own understanding and knowing that it is OKAY for me to do this... OKAY for me to feel this joy of living. I MUST NOT let anyone else's views affect my own sense of values and belief that the Creater gave "beauty" to this world to be appreciated and talents to us to use creatively.

My Creater smiles when I plant a tree, when I manicure the yard by pulling weeds and planting flowers that would NOT be in my immediate environment without my "efforts". HE smiles when I put on a pretty dress and dance and sing when I look in a mirror! He smiles.....because he KNOWS that those "things" are not necessary for my happiness. They are luxuries.....bonus items.....which add icing to an already content spirit of love for myself and for my fellow man.

The greatest beauty the Creater has given me is the gift of being able to reach out and touch. And to bask in the equally pleasing gift of allowing another human spirit to touch me.

Touch me with your eyes. Touch me with your thoughts. Touch me with your hugs. Touch me with your words.

Hold tight my hand And let me hold yours.

The Creater lives inside us. THAT is where He dwells.
Creater loves you and so do I!
I touch the Creater when I touch another human being.
Therefore...with that belief in mind...


Creater loves you and so do I!
A Michael Angelo painting.

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