Many people are discovering that in treating only the physical body -- especially with suppressive pharmaceutical drugs -- that they are not effectuating healing. The more drugs they use, the worse things get, and before they know it, they are taking more medication to counteract the side effects of their other medications. Seldom do we find conventional medicine addressing the spirit or mind in the healing process. Most assuredly, they are ignoring two-thirds of the real you, plus ignoring the most powerful abilities you have to heal your own body.
There are many aspects that affect the healing process. To name a few: whether you abuse your body (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.); how and what you eat (nutrition); the amount of stress in your life; do you like your job; how do you get along with family and friends; how you think and your internal dialogue; your individual programming; how spiritually connected you are. The human being is complex, and unique in every way. Everyone is evolving at their own level and rate, and that needs to be discovered by the patient and the healer. Society gears us to think and believe that we are physical beings, but this is not what you really are. You are a powerful, spiritual being. Knowing this, and believing that you have the ability to heal your own body, is your first step to recovery and greater awareness.
Whatever you conceive God or the God Force to be, you need to spend some time each day in recognition of this. The God Force is everywhere, in all things, and we all need to take time to see the beauty that is around us. There is only one Spirit, and we are all a part of It, all of us connected even though we evolve individually. Every part of us, down to every cell and atom, is a perfect part of the Whole -- like a hologram. Our natural state is wellness, and when we keep ourselves connected, in balance, and our energy high, everything flows freely in our physical bodies -- we are healthy and vibrant. The highest level of healing comes from the Spirit.
Spirit controls the mind, and the mind controls the body. Your thoughts create a powerful electo-magnetic energy that has incredible effects on your body -- and on others and the world around you. Your body believes every thought you think. What you think about manifests in your life. Therefore, it is very important for you to place your awareness on your thoughts, and generate positive thinking. Positive, creative affirmations can help you re-enforce and manifest whatever you want in your life, including your health.
If you honor the sacredness of Life, you will honor and love yourself and treat your body with respect and caring. Low self-esteem is a major cause for many illnesses because many have been conned into believing that they are less than what they really are. Since we are all a part of the God Spirit, we have no reason to doubt our divinity, and have every reason to embrace our individually and what we bring to this life. Intrinsically, you want to treat your body naturally using a natural method that helps you come back into harmony and restores your energy. You feed your body only quality food, and exercise to take good care of what you have. If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live?
Therefore, the balance of the whole you -- spirit, mind, and body -- (hence, the word "holistic") brings harmony and health. Illness or dis-ease results when you fall out of balance in one or more of these areas of your life, and your energy becomes blocked. By addressing the true cause -- and not covering up the symptom -- healing begins.
Wishing you vibrant health and joy!